Quiet possibly our Adrenal is at fault

Adrenals produce a few hormones

DHEA + cortisol + some others

To test cortisol you do a
and Saliva test. That will give you the full picture of production and availability.

I think getting those tests is my next move. Dhea seems to give me the best results out of everything I have tried. So maybe I should state looking into my adrenal glands

My dhea is always high can anyone help me out to find out why ?

I am reading this website these days breastnexus.com/showthread.php?tid=5441
breastnexus.com/showthread.p … ht=adrenal
ladies here are taking cow overy glandulars and many claim it works. Interestingly these ladies have concensous that galndulars only don’t not work if your thyroid or adrenal is not working properly or you have low body temprature.Don’t you think these ladies have made right conclusion? Many ladies claim to have increased fertility after using bovine glandulars. Also they claim to have more acne after glandular use. I am also reading about thyroid glandulars too. this is all positive too. I may start using glandulars some time.My question is why some ladies claim that if thyriod/adrenal is not working then glandulars is not working too.

Some very useful tips in these video’s with Dr. Wilson:
youtube.com/user/iHealthTub … ery=wilson

For example: if you experience some loss of energy? take vitamin C. When you have bad sleep: take progesterone and rub it on the temples
And there a more simple tips. They do work. And of course it’s no cure but gives some relief.

Honestly I will think thousand times before playing with hormones.

A single T shot will stop the endocrine crashes, then the rest is the adrenal fatigue recovery program.
Diet, exercise, hot baths, meditation and relaxation and semen retention.

T doesn’t do anything for andrenal fatigue what are you talking about? Most of us have tried T replacement and don’t respond to it.


I believe that it is the first step in our recovery.

T all by itself will not get you recovered.

After the T shot it is the exercise, diet, hot baths ,meditation, relaxation and semen retention that will heal your body.

It is a long slow process, this recovery will not happen overnight.

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Can you elaborate what type of excercise and diet are used for adreal recovery?

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I’m interested in this too. Healing adrenal would likely solve the remaining issues for me.

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It’s in my understanding that adrenals is like body’s 112 emergency call center. So by reducing stress and inflammation, it can heal and restore normal functioning. Cortisol when raised for too long can wreak havoc on other systems including reproduction. It’s known that Cortisol is inversely proportional to sex and anabolic hormones such as Testosterone and Growth hormone. Either too little or too high Cortisol levels are bad. Moderate exercise, enough recovery and proper nutrition may all it take for healing adrenals. Sometimes it gets more complicated when the issue for instance lies in the gut (e.g leaky gut). Having a permeable gut will cause inflammation and thus triggers adrenals to release Cortisol continuously. Autoimmune disorders are also problematic.

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Still have low cortisol after 2.5 years of attempted recovery, 3.5 of PFS.

Work outside in the sun all the time but it’s a drag. Sometimes I’ll feel when my cortisol comes back online for a bit, but it’s short lived.

Tried dexamethasone but I couldnt get the dosage right. Actually felt better on prednisone, which I’ll be getting soon.

Hydrocortisone did not work. Made me tired at various doses. Dont know why. Taking that 5 times a day doesn’t please me, either

Isn’t Rhodiola the thing to use for Adrenals?

I hear you. Cortisol is one of those tricky hormones that needs to be in the right place at the right time to serve it’s purpose. Too low of a level gave me terrible hypoglycemia, body aches, morning and early evening tiredness and feeling burnout where going for a short walk felt more like Self-Transcendence 3100 mile race. On the high end, it made me depressed, insomniac and with low T symptoms.

I too have my fair share with corticosteroids. I felt good on them for years maybe because they were helping in curbing inflammation but their longterm sides made me quit them for good. Withdrawal symptoms were horrible. Try and support your adrenals. Vitamin C is said to help. Other minerals and sea salt are also needed. There’s also DGL licorice root that supposedly helps. However, managing chronic stress is the one single most important factor to healing adrenals. Getting to bed as early as possible was helpful for me and I recall using melatonin in micro doses (0.3mg) to help me with that.

Yup. There’s a supplement I was prescribed by a top New York endocrinologist for adrenals called Adreset. Rhodiola is one of the main ingredients in it. It also has cordyceps which I believe increase 5ar activity

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Cool! How did adreset work out for you??

I only used it for 2 weeks back in 2018. I noticed a slight increase in libido. I probably needed to do a longer trial.