Question for long time sufferers -- mental side effects

So this is for anyone, but I am mostly curious about individuals who used finasteride long term (a year or more), got mental sides, and are several years removed from taking it. I’m wondering about any and everything mental, though if depression has gotten worse, the other side aspects have probably worsened. Has depression gotten better or worse? Brain fog/disconnect from life? Memory, sense of humor, wit, etc.?

Good post.

Okay just my situation… I’m 35. Took it for over a year and a half, quit 3 years ago after odd symptoms started. Felt like sh#t for a good two years anxiety, brain fog, slurred speech, depression, memory probs, poor sleep etc.

I feel like it’s gotten better over the last year or so (fog, depression, sense of humor, wit, etc.). Not where I was but definitely better. I’ve been on thyroid meds (hypo), lexapro, D3/Multi Vitamin, good amt of caffeine, and dark chocolate (think it may help with brain fog).

For whatever reason my symptoms get worse with the poor weather, may be seasonal depression related.

I think self-confidence and challenging your mind are really key in dealing with this. Hang in there and good luck.

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