Question About Listed Doctors on PFSFoundation Site

Does anyone know how often the pfsfoundation updates the list of doctors that recognize PFS? I’m currently searching for more ways I can incorporate professional medical help, and I thought that list would be a good place to start. I’m not too sure of which ones are still accepting PFS patients, however.

Also, does anyone have any personal experience going to any of the listed doctors?

Mark Gordon still does tele-medicine in LA…He helped me some with his TBI treatment but he is very Expensive…

Would you mind sharing the treatment? It’s for brain injury?

Well I’m glad to hear that there is at least some doctor I could go to as a last resort! Would you mind elaborating on how exactly he helped you?

They are updated whenever new information becomes available, which is not bound to any schedule. Did you check our Doctors & Therapists category?

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I’m currently under treatment for PSSD with Dr. Goldstein. We discussed PFS too. He will do all the tests that are needed and try some protocols with medication. There is a guy on PSSD Facebook group who has had great success treating his anhedonia, anxiety and brain fog with Goldsteins protocol. I think it included Addyi, Ropinrole, HCG, Testosterone Cypionate, and CBD oil. He also underwent a spinal procedure to cure the genital numbness and is doing well. I myself just had mri on sacral and lumbar this morning at Goldsteins request. He will review it with an orthopedist he works with and we will go from there. I will update.

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Ohh, ok that makes sense, and I did not check that category out. I did, however, reach out to a few of the doctors posted on the list, and they responded much quicker than I anticipated. Thus, I am no longer actively looking for a doctor, just need to setup an appointment.

@jrums01, that’s great news to hear and very encouraging! Please do keep us updated.

Are you in San Fran?

I’m in New Jersey. Had to fly all the way to San Diego to see Goldstein.

I will update for sure.


I have seen (in person and by phone) Dr Alan Jacobs in NYC for about 10 years. He is one of the best.