Question about Clomid

Just wondering if clomid has ever cured anyone of PFS ?

I’ve had some limited success with the drug but the gains I made with it fade away once I stop taking it.

Clomid definitely raises Testosterone, in my case I felt more energetic after taking it, however I didn’t have any improvement on the sexual side, even if I took it at the heavy dose of 50mg per day for 3 months. I also took Arimidex to avoid conversion from Testosterone to Estrogens. On the first night on Clomid I noticed a better erection, but then the effect stopped, and now I feel almost worse than before.
That’s the problem with PFS, there are many things that seem to work but their effect is temporary: maca, tribulus terrestris, naltrexone, ashwagandha. I had a brief spur of recovery after using all of these, but then it came back to the same level.
I took blood tests 3 days ago, when the results come I’ll decide with my endo what to do, probably to phase Clomid out.

Clomid will aromatize in any dosage because it is pure Estrogen, he also has bad sides (vision problems)

Proviron or Nolva are much better than Clomid

Dury is the only case I’ve seen of chlomid curing PFS.