PUTTING MORE THEORIES TO REST - Microbials (bacteria/fungus)

I know it seems like Androgen Resistance - It screams androgen resistance.

Everything fits except when i take Testosterone I put on muscle and my hair starts falling out - you can definitely see the difference. people at work asked me if i have lifting weights a lot recently. So there must be some androgen receptors working at least in the muscles! and then why would it only not work in the penis which it was seems to be which would maybe nerve damage or microbial that is stopping the androgen right there

I took 800mg of Testosterone so I could try again to bang this chick - the fucking hottest chick EVER- like no joke the hottest girl i have hooked up with and i have hooked up with some hotties and I couldnt get it up on 800mg of test c, 2 viagras and 12mg of yohimbe… instead shes like iWontiveup, this the second time! whats going on?! (she actually gave me asecond chance :-/)

So anyway lets put some theories to rest. I am putting 300 bucks on it today.

MICROBIALS (Bacterial/Fungus) - (many members myself included saw improvement after using antibiotics)

There are some bacteria that give off antiandrogens

At Great Plains Laboratory they offer two tests that should hopefully allow us to say okay it definitely ISNT microbial.
Microbial Organic Acids Test
tests for:
Yeast/Fungal metabolites: Citramalic, 5-Hydroxymethyl-2-Furoic, 3-Oxoglutaric, Furan-2,5-Dicarboxylic, Furancarbonylglycine, Tartaric, Arabinose, Carboxycitric; Bacterial metabolites: 2-Hydroxyphenylacetic, 4-Hydroxyphenylacetic, 4-Hydroxybenzoic, 4-Hydroxyhyppuric, HPHPA (Clostridia marker), DHPPA (beneficial bacteria marker); Additional indicators: Hippuric, 3-Indoleacetic, 3-Hydroxy-3-Methylglutaric, 2-Hydroxyhippuric; Indicator of fluid intake: Creatinine

Explanations: greatplainslaboratory.com/home/eng/Clinical%20Significance%20of%20the%20OAT.pdf

And a Yeast Culture with Sensitivity Test
Yeast/Fungal metabolites: Citramalic (methylmalic) acid, 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furoic acid, 3-oxoglutaric acid, Furan-2, 5-dicarboxylic acid, Furancarbonylglycine, Tartaric acid (hydroxymalic acid), Arabinose, Carboxycitric acid; Bacterial Metabolites: 2-hydroxyphenylacetic acid, 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid, HPHPA, 3- (3-hydroxyphenyl-3-hydroxypropionic acid), VMA (vanyl mandelic acid) analog; Glycolysis: Glyceric acid, Glycolic acid, Oxalic acid, Lactic acid, Pyruvic acid, 2-hydroxybutyric acid; Krebs Cycle: Succinic acid, Fumaric acid, 2-oxoglutaric acid, Aconitic acid, Citric acid; Amino Acid Metabolites: 2-hydroxyisovaleric acid, 2-oxoisovaleric acid, 3-methyloxovaleric acid, 2-hydroxyisocaproic acid, 2-oxoisocaproic acid, 2-oxo-4-methiobutyric acid, Phenyllactic acid, Phenylpyruvic acid, Mandelic acids, Homogentisic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyllactic acid, 3-indoleacetic acid; Neurotransmitters: HVA (homovanillic acid), VMA (vanyl mandelic acid), 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid; Pyrimidines: Uracil, Thymine; Fatty Acid Metabolites: 3-hydroxybutyric acid, Acetoacetic acid, Ethylmalonic acid, Methylsuccinic acid, Adipic acid, Suberic acid, Sebacic acid; Toxic Indicators: Pyroglutamic acid, Orotic acid, Hydroxyhippuric acid; Vitamin Indicators: Methylmalonic acid, Ascorbic acid, Kynurenic acid, Methylcitric acid, Pyridoxic acid, Pantothenic acid; Miscellaneous: Glutaric acid, N-acetyl aspartic acid, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaric (HMG) acid, Malonic acid, Methylglutaric acid, Hippuric acid, 4-hydroxybutyric acid, Phenylcarboxylic acid, Indole-like compound; Yeast (Mycology) culture: 48 possible yeast and fungal species; Yeast (microscopy ─ visible presence of yeast cells);

Yeast sensitivity to: Fluconazole, Itraconazole, Ketoconazole, Nystatin, Berberine, Caprylic acid, Goldenseal, Oregano, Tanalbit, Undecylenic Acid, Uva Ursi; Bacterial sensitivity to: Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Augmentin, Ciprofloxacin, Trimeth-sulfa, Berberine; Black Walnut; Caprylic Acid, Cats Claw, Citrus Seed Extract, Goldenseal, Oregano, Uva Ursi; For Staphylococcus aureus: Benzypenicillin, Oxacillin, Tetracycline, Trimeth-sulfa, Vancomycin; Berberine Black Walnut Caprylic Acid, Cats Claw, Citrus Seed Extract, Goldenseal, Oregano, Uva Ursi


Possibly some sort of auto-immune disorder due to a lack of the immune suppressant neurosteroid allopregnanalone.

Why do people continue to think that the ONLY action antibiotics have on the body is killing organisms?

so what theory are you claiming to have put to rest (microbrial or AI)and where is the evidence?

im sorry, did you have something constructive to say?

if not please dont make these threads any longer than they need to be with a specific focus aimed at eliminating possibilities of what this disease really is

Why dont you start a thread called, “Antibiotics Do More Than Killing Organisms” and you can research the different thing that antibiotics do and then investigate each one until we find the mechanism for improvement in our symptoms. That is unless you enjoy having your penis be as useful as your appendix. You have like 100000000posts so you obviously have plenty of free time. I dont. Please help us bud

I havent put one to rest in this thread. I am hoping to with the above mentioned test. Supposedly it is supposed to look for any and all bacteria byproducts and yeasts

in addition, I am also looking into a test that I had done which diagrams my Krebs cycle. It shows specific imbalances in the Krebs/citric Acid cycle which is necessary for proper phosphorylation.

One of the biggest players in this cycle is NAD (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) which is a coenzyme.

Some pathogens, such as the yeast Candida glabrata and the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae are NAD+ auxotrophs – they cannot synthesize NAD+ – but possess salvage pathways and thus are dependent on external sources of NAD+ or its precursors.[29][30] Even more surprising is the intracellular pathogen Chlamydia trachomatis, which lacks recognizable candidates for any genes involved in the biosynthesis or salvage of both NAD+ and NADP+, and must acquire these coenzymes from its host.[31]
(source Wikipedia)

I have done some research into this and it looks like the only way to treat Haemophilus influenzae is intraveneously. When I had surgery I was put on Ancef in an IV and it was completely cured for about 2 days immediately following the surgery and slowing degredated.

I have found out how to test for these two thing and I am going see if my doctor (I have a new doc who is pretty onboard to test for whatever) can help me here.

Again, my goals is to rule as many things out as possible and hopefully stumble upon the cure.

There is a lot of testing available for auto-immune disorder and I have been tested - nothing. However, what I can do is get a copy of the test and send it to you and if you know of some more tests then let me know and if they are through Quest then I can get my doc to order it. This guy is way chill.

And there’s your answer. You’ve eliminated that possibility, so time to look elsewhere.

Did you get dht, testosterone or 5ar2 antibodies tested?

Your doc sounds like a hero Iwontgiveup


Went to my neighbors house last night who is in med school and I borrowed his Human Physiology textbook. Im going to be an expert on a glucolysis by the end of the week :wink: I am comparing my Krebs cycle test to the nitty gritty chemical reactions at each step in the process. Only downside here is that we only have my test so we cant look to see that we all have an imbalanced anaerobic gycolosis processes.

Interested in your microbial test. How much does it cost and when are you getting the results back?

I had the components of the krebs cycle tested and all was fine.

With the auto-immune reaction aspect, there are thousands of different auto-immune actions the body can take. There is no way to test every single one of them to rule that out.

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Yeah, this is what I was thinking as well, except that a lot of people think this is stricly yeast/fungal infection.

Although… it’s really hard to say exactly what is going on, especially with, like OP said, many people had success with anti biotics

I think what we have to look at is the fact that the anti biotic is killing something and it could be a factor in the suffering, but what it is exactly isn’t known. I’ve been personally extensively tested for fungal/yeast/parasites via a stool test and nothing was found because I know something is going on. All I can think of is that there is a bacteria imbalance in the gut of good bacteria vs bad bacteria.

I know a lot of people on this forum were very sexually active, does anyone know if anyone is a virgin on this forum? That could rule out some kind of STD bacteria thing. I know I’ve been tested for STD’s and the tests came back clean, but I’ve read random stuff about how some bacteria has a really hard time being killed off or something, so it’s possible people have something in our system still?

Also, just by looking at the fact that anti biotics help show me that something in the digestive system isn’t working right.

Personally for me in this thread, I think it could boil down to bad bacteria balance in gut (supplement probiotics), some kind of sexually related bacteria that hasn’t been cleared out completely, or as tim said earlier in this thread some sort of auto immune reaction stopping some kind of hormonal process.

I know that there is some issue with hormones not being properly synthesized or are being blocked, that’s pretty obvious, but the processes of it happening… ugh who knows. I’m dropping all my money constantly on tests… we’ll find it eventually. :confused:

Did you ever find anything out from those tests man?