Publication: Enduring sexual dysfunction after treatment with antidepressants, 5α-reductase inhibitors and isotretinoin: 300 cases

A publication by Prof. Healy of et al with some data from the patient reports submitted to that website regarding persistent drug-induced dysfunction following 5aris, antidepressants and accutane.

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I saw this summary, it is high time that they dig more … What is good is that finally they decided to bring together the same ES linked to several molecules, which will allow them to have more of budget and facilitate research.

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Good. With Melcangi also looking at common mechanisms between PFS and PSSD as well as the obvious link of PFS with Accutane and other 5ar inhibitors and the connection to prostate cancer research, our problem may become more relevant. It is imperative that we make our problem more important to increase awareness and interest from institutions. That would make funding more easier and attract more research. Articles like this help, although I hope bigger things are yet to come.

Looking back at old posts from Awor it is fascinating that he had that all laid out already almost ten years ago. We are lucky to have him. On the other hand, it is a little disheartening to see how long it takes for these ideas to come to fruition. I don’t mean that as criticism, it is just the way things work. But from the point of view of someone who hopes for a cure or at least some relieve of symptoms in a meaningfull time frame, it is hard. Anyway, standing still is no option, let’s hope these things snowball one day!


Anti depressantsare never used for PFS period . They will jack you up and make you commit suicide. Suggest you contact DR Ann Ganzer and DR Allen Jacobs neuro endocronologist , psychiatrist and neurologist in New York NY . These drugs are not used fro PFS !!

Although anyone with pfs should approach putting anything else into their system with caution, including anti-depressants (particularly those with known sexual side effects), anti-depressants have helped some guys through this.

You’d think that, but it’s not the case. Plenty of people keep trying to new drugs to fix their PFS problems without thinking twice. It’s one thing to consider the risks and try so you can live a little better, but people try all sorts of other hormone drugs to get back to normal just because they see someone post about it.

Yeah well finasteride has helped people keep their hair too. But the risk is there regardless.

I’ve tried telling people on here about SSRI’s and even PM’d someone about it only for them to tell me I was incorrect about my information about SRRI’s causing permanent side effects and quoting a wikipedia page to back up his statement. I tried telling to just google other people’s experience and he still denied it.

Obviously some people are just dumb but you’ve got to be a next level denier to claim other drugs can’t give you permanent sides after taking finasteride. It’s ridiculous and not even worth the effort trying to convince them.

i understand that of course there are risks attached, especially when they’re still figuring out definitively what’s happened to us. I was responding to veteran’s absolutist claim of equating it with a fast track to suicide, when for some it has taken them from that brink. At least I would hope that there is a degree of informed consent with this, as opposed to the case with propecia where a lot of the risks were unknown to us.

If someone is on the brink of suicide and an anti-depressant is the only way out then yeah okay take it but it has to be a severe suicide probability before you should consider it. Too many people don’t wait it out.

Dr Allen Jacobs is a top researcher in PFS along with DR Ann Ganzer . Both have written mashy articles Dr Jacobs NY NY is a neuro endocrinologist , psychiatrist and neurologist with speciality in Andrology and PFS . DR Michael Irwig from Washington DC is a endocrinologist with speciality in Andrology and PFS and a top researcher. Both have written many articles. One article is in the Journal of Cinical Psychology on PFS and impotence, depression ,suicide, They have all stated that one should not be taking anti depressants as they have the opposite effect with many PFS patients. So if you want to play russian roulette with your severe depression and PFS symptomology that is your choice . In 20-30% hormone therapy maybe successful according to DR Jacobs see him on the web. . . It is why seeking caution anti depressants are not generally a good choice . DR Ann Ganzer with DR Allen Jacobs a psychologist has also done research in PFS. One of their research articles is also focused on screening finasteride and that anyone who suffers from depression or bi polar , PTSD, etc should be screened out from even being given the drug as an pre existing mental health condition may be greatly enhanced from the drug .


Thanks a lot for the detailed response.
I’m not a cheerleader for anti-depressants as I’ve learned that everything comes with a caveat. It was just that I know that some guys, including myself, have seen benefits from this crutch. Although at the same time both the placebo effect and time may be factors. When I went back on anti-depressants I was in a really bad place and feeling suicidal. Although I’m still living with side effects, I no longer feel suicidal and obsessed with what has happened. I realise however that anti-depressants can be too readily offered without the presentation of alternatives, or a proper discussion of side effects, which I’ve never been given. I don’t underestimate the possibility that anti-depressants can cause harm or further harm themselves. Although I state that they may have played a part in taking the edge off all of this (which is INCREDIBLY important), I’m in the position of having taken both SSRI anti-depressants in the past and propecia, so my sexual dysfunction related side effects has more than one suspect, or even a clusterf**k of medicated harm. I feel that doctors’ duty of care and principle of doing no harm should include the discussion of the possibility of side effects for all drugs so at least there is a degree of informed consent.


Which paper does it say that 20-30 percent will benefit from hormone therapy ?