Pssd Network is a charity now and has a new scientific advisor

"We are thrilled to introduce our scientific advisor, Dr. Antonei B. Csoka. Dr. Csoka has been engaged with the PSSD community since 2004 and is presently conducting research on PSSD and PFS (Post-Finasteride Syndrome).

With the help of Dr. Csoka’s expertise, we aim to find new research opportunities, secure grant funding, and explore potential collaborations with other researchers.

Read more about Dr. Csoka and his experience as a researcher here."


Great work, great perspectives and with the new scientific advisor I personally think Dr. Csokas agenda and phantastic experience and I hope using the synergy effects with pfs researchers will really bring a break through for all of us very soon.

"Dr. Csoka has been researching Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD) since 2004 and regards it as a syndrome best understood as an iatrogenic epigenetic disorder.

He is applying whole-genome epigenetic and chromatin studies to investigate the effects of SSRIs both on human cells,

and in animal models. He is also investigating analogous iatrogenic disorders such as Post-Finasteride Syndrome (PFS) and Fluoroquinolone-Associated Disability (FQAD), which may have overlapping etiologies."

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Great stuff @Exsexgod thanks for sharing

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