Psilocybin Mushrooms approved by FDA for trial

“One treatment just completely reduced depression and anxiety scores, from people being very clinical to reaching remission,” Raison said. “No other treatment, and 6 months later, 60-70% people are in remission from a single treatment.”

we have people on this message board responding positively. Would people suffering from mental symptoms be willing to try this?

I’m considering it tbh.

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I tried it once ~4 months after crashing and didn’t really notice a difference afterwards, although I also had a bad trip. I’d start with microdosing if you’re going to try it. The anxiety from PFS really threw me for a loop while under the influence.

did you have mental symptoms like brain fog insomnia etc before trying it?

some people that benefited, used it more than once

Same all I got was a bad trip and the shits

did you have mental symptoms?

Back then not really, just anxiety and unrefreshing sleep

i think the therapy is intended for mental symptoms tbh.

Yes I had heavy brain fog, memory issues, depression, and derealization/visual issues.
At the time it just felt like I had pfs+mushrooms at the same time. Perhaps small doses taken over time would have different effects.

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