Proviron - (synthetic dht) changed my life -

Not really.

Wonder what happened to him? This was his last post right? Looks like he is doing fine…


You’re a big fan of reviving old post aren’t you? lol



Im attempting a serious recovery and I would only suggest this guys advice if you have been suffering for 7 years or more.

He used a shitton of hormones and had like 9 different recoveries

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At least, lol.

His posts are a disaster. Maybe somewhere in all the mess of hormones he was taking there’s something that works, but I tend to think he never had PFS, or at the very least he had the type that responds to treatment with DHT, which is def not what I have.

He responded too “normally” to test/DHT for his stories to make sense to me.


using shitton of hormones can create similar issue like pfs long term so I don’t think people should try his method unless nothing works for 7 years or more…

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I’m almost a decade into PFS, litterly having lost track of how many years. It’s the new “normal”, and I don’t really remember how things were before. I don’t know about hormones…they concern me…

The only consistent “relief” I experience is keeping bodyfat way down, eating very healthy, and intermittent water fasting. It doesn’t help the libido, but it does help the mood and memory. Ginkgo seemed good for memory, but again, only when body fat was low.

It’s really difficult getting the weight down, but worth it.

Have you tried hard drugs to recover? Like Proviron etc? Sad to hear man.

I haven’t tried hard drugs to treat it, because of the concern of side effects, or worsening the condition. My levels in all things tested are pretty typical…testosterone on the low side, but within range, low vitamin D, otherwise nothing that really draws attention. I’m waiting to see what comes out of Baylor and in Italy, but am getting impatient. It’ll be extremely frustrating if both return nothing actionable.

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I assume you did every possible tests and check ups, right? Prostate exams, penis tissue tests, x-rays, general MRi’s? Nothing came out?

Only thing out of the ordinary was testicular varicose, which was actually before pfs, and unrelated. All doctors want to do is treat with anti depressants, which is nonsense, and doesn’t address the physical symptoms, which they can’t attribute to their misdiagnosis of depression, such as shrinkage, reduced and watery semen, dry skin, and watery eyes.

What are these baylor tests you refer to?

He’s referring to the results of a long overdue study. If you search the forum you’ll find a million posts about it.

His posts are a disaster and I’m pretty sure he is the same person as a user on this forum that goes under the handle dht

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How are you lately man? Did you try Proviron yet?

No and I don’t plan on it, I’ve heard its suppressive.

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I have good news about this topic!!! my own experience, I’m with it, details very soon!


I believe only if it’s a certain amount and higher