Proviron against PFS someone already tried?

Anyone ever tried this drug to reverse the faster side effects of the fin? A friend of mine went through the same problems and symptoms: Testicle atrophy, shrinkage, zero libido, depression, insomnia, etc however was the steroid use and completely reversed the symptoms. However this drug requires a prescription to be purchased.

Mesterolone is the best drug for your balls back to normal

Interesting do you need to keep taking Mesterolone to keep the gains you made ?


Enden would you recommend trying Proviron ?

Proviron doesn’t appear to be a solution, but sure, it may give you a glimpse of your former self - so it’s worth trying IMO.

Tried, didn’t notice anything. Any relief would only be temporary I’d imagine.

Which dose, and for how long did you use it? Yes, no one has been able to maintain the benefits from Proviron, as far as I know.

From very low up to 100mg. Never for looking than a week to avoid shutdown.

According to Bayer, doses up to 50 mg a day aren’t suppressive.