
Heard about this drug on CNN program.

The guy who took it was raving about it’s positive effects. So think we may benefit from this brain food?

It seems my fatigue symptoms are coming back again. Willing to trade off some erection gains for mental ones at this point.

I’ve actually went back on yohimbine hcl to help me get through the day without feeling so tired. Having been on it for 4 days, it has helped a lot. Done nothing for my penis yet.

this drug could bring other dangerous sides, it has to be assumed with strictly medical control

you want to try it without medical supervision?

No, I would ask for a prescription from my doctor. Not sure if he would prescribe it or not.

i know is used basically for narcolepsy and sleep disorders

it could bring psychiatric disorders, heart, kidneys and liver sides.

if ur doc isn’t open minded i guess he hardly prescribe it

This is also prescribed for people who have difficulty with shiftwork… Which my job includes.

I would be asking for it based on the propecia fatigue coupled with the shiftwork craziness.

Bluejaysfan, have you read up on the drug including the warnings and precautions? I think this is another bad one. Don’t forget there are people on other sites raving about propecia. Why don’t you research the drug and post what you find in this thread?

Yeah… I read up a little. No links or anything. Just googled some drug info and then looked for patient feedback.

Off the top of my head… I read it may increase dopamine… and also read it doesn’t raise dopamine, but, it heightens the receptors into thinking there is more dopamine.

As far as sides that I think could be a problem… coming off could cause depression possibly. Other than fatigue, I don’t really have mental issues that may get worse. A lot of the sides are similar to yohimbine hcl which I tolerate ok… but, know others here had some issues with it.

As far as sexual sides… again, trying to get info from actual users is scattered on tbe web. It seems more men say it helps with libido than women. Some say a little worse. One guy had a red spot/rash on his penis when he took it with cialis.
I read some have problems reaching orgasm on it. It sounds like it increases amount of ejaculation.

Thats why I ask if anyone here tried it. I couldn’t really get a handle on it with the conflicting user feedback. Having said that, I will try it out in a few weeks if I can get my doc to ok it.

…and most of the mental feedback was pretty positive. Read more than a few who take it before tests. It sounds like a stimulant and for that reason I wouldn’t want to take it long. I did read someone has been on it 11yrs. Not that it really means anything, I was on a hairloss drug that long.

I was given a few sample packs of Nuvigil (same as provigil but lasts longer). Most insurance companies will not cover these easily.

I used it 28 times, almost always half a pill. Its been a while but, yes, it did seem to help with brain fog. I felt more sharp for about 8 hours. But when it wore off, I felt drained. It was also harder to fall asleep. If you go to a sleep clinic they might have sample packs

It didnt seem to change sexual sides.

Good to know, thanks.

Here is the guy I saw on CNN… He’s got a blog, products for sale, etc.

…and an abc news story.

…found a bunch of patient reviews here:

In the patient review site I noted that most users were middle to late age (as old as 70). Wiki has a good profile of the drug.

I urge anyone looking or considering such drugs again to think with a critical mind about the negative consequences as much as they consider the positives. This side effect list has some striking similarities with some of the problems that are reported here from finasteride use. Unfortunately there is greater risk to compound the problem than magically cure it.

Try not to use drug names so much, but talk about the group it’s in. There’s so much of them, but there are not many different mechanisms of actions, so it’s a lot easier to orientate through them.