protocol of edging / 25 reasons todo NOFAP

i read an artikel about NOFAP, … _do_nofap/

it has really convinced me to try it, but because PFS users have low dopamine, i am trying to do edging aswell with porn, the importent thing here is watching porn, porn rises your dopamine.

whenever u get an orgasme, your prolactin will have a boost and dopamine will decrease way low point.

what do you guys think, anyone has experiences with edging and ‘NOFAP’?

Since 3 months I try to limit masturbation to once a week. It helped a lot! It accelerated my recovery quite a bit. I sleep better, have less brainfog and I can train harder without getting problems the next day.

I recommend this to everyone, it doesn’t cost anything and is propably very healthy by itself. So if it doesn’t work for you, you don’t lose any money or damage your body like steroids and other drugs do.

I have done Nofap and it helps a lot for hormone recovery and dopamine. But dont do edging! Edgibg its what causes the spikes on dopamine so you can downregulate a lot your receptors.

hmm okay i will stop edging :sunglasses: and see what happens. did you guys had more energyboost aswell?

Yes, I have more energy and I am more confident/less anxious than before.