Had a dream about this the other night. What if we did a protest at are local dermatologists office in all of are areas nationwide, it would require no travel, maybe we could all wear the same mask, like a devil mask with Merck written on it. If we all wear the same mask in multiple states and countries protesting the same thing it would probably make the news, and we could possibly hurt propecia sales if we protest at dermatology offices where they prescribe it. It only works if we all do it
Maybe a zombie mask would be good since so many of us feel like asexual zombies. It has to be gimmicky for the news to care
We already lost the fight, well the court case. At this point I just want to stop them from selling it
If you declare it as a Roy Vagelos, Keneth Kaufman fan party with free hormon buffet all you can take and Merck Organon free shipping buttons all 400.000 pfs patients will come. If you declare it as protest 3 dump recovery deniers will come. That’s the problem.
Ironie off!
I just want to say sorry for my first response, i think It was a bit rude i had a bad day when i answered
Kevin Malley’s one-man hunger strike in 2012 was successful in attracting media attention.
A public protest is not impossible.
But you should probably ask yourself more clearly what your goal is with the protest, who or what you are protesting against and what concrete change you want to occur and who you expect to make that change.
“We have been treated with the sex offender castration drug finasteride for cosmetic reasons. It’s a pharma scandal that nobody informed us about permanent sexual, physical and mental side effects. We need awarness and support.”
How to select pharmacologic treatments to manage recidivism risk in sex offenders: consider patient factors when choosing off-label hormonal and nonhormonal agents. PDF
German pfs patients have been able to visit Prof Zitzmann in Münster, North Rhine-Westphalia, more than 500 maybe 1000 over the years to get their hormones. So why not a awareness meeting on historical Münster market place. But as I said even together with the pssd community 2 or 3 would come. Same as Kevin Mullay’s one man hungerstrike. Only John Santmann and Rosemary McGeady showed up. Not one of the patients showed any interest.
Good that more and more show up online im videos and podcasts of Moral Medicine, pfs Network, Ryan Russo and Dr Witt-Doerring.