Ok…So i’ve seen a lot of posts about enlarged prostate, but my problem is prostate skrinkage, and I mean bigtime.
I took propecia for 2 weeks, and then forgot to take it one day, and presto, major shrinkage including Penis, Testes, and prostate. I freaked out and stopped taking the propecia and went immediately to the doc. He noticed the excess skin in the perineum. He said everything should return to normal in a few weeks, but it’s been 5 months now and the prostate has not returned to original size.
I used to get a lot of pleasure down in this region and now that area is not pleasurable anymore.
Originally, at higher doses finasteride is used to shrink the prostate at 5 ml, but at one ml, it is not supposed to be strong enough to do this.
Anyone else out there have the same symptoms? any thoughts, cures, success stories?? HELP!