Since finasteride affects the prostate, is the cause of some of our problems a damaged prostate?
I don´t know about that Josh, but sounds possible.
Right now I´m trying Broccoli Treatment. It´s very easy to do and It says that it has these benefits:
-Regulation of sexual dysfunctions (erectile dysfunctions)
-Regulation of urinary complications
-Regulate (increasing) the ejaculate volume
-Elimination of infertility
-Re-establishing of libido
-Normalization of the quality of life
-Removed the pathogens from urogenital tract (Bladder, Prostate, urethra, vesicula seminalis, etc.)
-Help to reduce the PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen)
-Good for spasms and cramps on genito-urinary systems.
-helps to reduce the cholesterol
-regulates the bowel movement
-regulates blood pressure
-Purported immune system enhancer and boots physical energy.
Here is the link:
I´ll let you know how it works for me.