prostate the major factor in this disease

Tons of research let me find most of the symptoms (also mental) after prostate surgery.

  • genital changes
  • being dizzy
  • no orgasm feeling
  • nerve inflammation
  • prostate inflammation
  • ED
  • low sperm to no sperm count

btw. a natural doctor told me body cells can regenerate in a timeline of 2 years.

one sites statement:

What are the possible long-term side effects of a radical prostatectomy?

Men recovering from a radical prostatectomy often face two potentially life-changing complications: Incontinence and erectile dysfunction. In the past, these side effects were devastating and practically inevitable. More than half of the men surveyed in a recent study also reported some difficulties in these two areas. But thanks to nerve-sparing surgery and other improvements in surgical techniques, these side effects now tend to be less serious, and some men don’t experience them, Thrasher says. “The complications of all types of prostate cancer treatments have continued to decline since the 1990s,” he says. “We’re getting better at what we do.”

For many patients, urinary or sexual problems are only temporary obstacles, Thrasher says. “Patients will come to me and say that they dribble a little urine when they lift their golf bag over their heads,” he says. They quickly learn to how to clench the muscles around the bladder to avoid such accidents. Men who have trouble achieving erections can often return to normal – or near-normal – with the help of sildenafil (Viagra) or other treatments for sexual dysfunction, he says. Younger patients (age 65 and under) are especially likely to respond to such treatments.

Keep in mind, however, that your sexual machinery has changed. You can still have orgasms, but they will be dry. Without a prostate or seminal vesicles, your body will no longer be able to produce semen, so you won’t be able to father a child. If you see children in your future, ask your doctor to collect sperm samples before the operation.

A recent survey of 247 patients treated at the University of California at Los Angeles Medical Center highlights some of these types of problems. As reported in the August 2001 issue of The Journal of Urology, two years after the surgery, 60 percent of patients still had some trouble achieving or maintaining erections. Thirty months after the surgery, 37 percent still reported some loss of urinary function. Despite these setbacks, however, most patients had an upbeat attitude. On the whole, any complications tend to be overshadowed by the relief of being cancer-free, Thrasher says. More than 90 percent said their overall quality of life was back to normal within six to nine months of the surgery. Younger men proved to be especially likely to rebound quickly from the operation.

How do you explain muscle atrophy and facial atrophy?

Or sensation loss in skin, dry eyes, dry mouth, digestion problems, memory, vision. I don’t think it’s that simple.

PFS is two pronged = hormonal and neurological

There are currently two studies going on at US medical research institutions to try and find out the mechanism behind PFS. This is due to the hard work and diligence of the PFS Foundation, and members on this board like Mew & Awor.

Recently some other research has also been published. It is hoped that the additional research will provide further insight into the problem.

Until we know more it isn’t possible to make blanket statements like ‘the prostate is the major factor in this disease’.

OK, guys, your right, I don’t have an answer, I’m just trying to get the best approach to deal with this mess, I’m still early if I compare to other guys on this forum and I’m sure they did more research than I probably could do and I’m most probably just telling the same “theory” as some other guys on this forum.

It isn’t simple.

@ Depressedguy
How do you explain muscle atrophy and facial atrophy?

I’m really in the same boat as you, I only took 4 pills 1,5 mg and crashed a month later.
I have facial and muscle atrophy too. People look at me like I would be someone who takes drugs every day. I’m happy my muscle atrophy did stop a little now coming to the 5 month mark. But nowhere to before. Sadly I can’t explain this except hormonal (your right). But the prostate is a center point for T to DHT too right? So if the prostate (adrenal glands) are not functioning or are blocked, this could be a point to our problems too!?

Also people that have sickle sides write in the recovery stories that they feel a bad period arriving when the prostate has a strange feeling to it!?

Pls Look up this “not jet fully recovered story”

@ mcibofh
Or sensation loss in skin, dry eyes, dry mouth, digestion problems, memory, vision. I don’t think it’s that simple.

I found the point digestion problems after prostate surgery somewhere too, sadly I can’t find the page anymore.
What I can tell too is that someone I know developed ear ringing who had prostate problems in older age. He later on had a prostate surgery. I didn’t hear him anymore since then. Sadly I don’t have an explanation to the other sides. I’m only happy some things got a little better like dry eyes, memory and vision. Nothing I really did until now. I only took L-Phenylalanin and L-Tyrosine and some other supplements, but decided to stop taking a bunch of things, won’t help anyway. I hope to be able to take the natural approach.

Yes! But people do recover (with or without crash) or get better. So the neurological effect can be healed too!?

I just find it interesting that people who get sickle sides after some years of recovering in almost every story write that they feel a bad sickle coming in the prostate region. This gives me hope that the major thing is the prostate and OK, hope the other involved parts can regenerate too. But if body cells can regenerate due to a Dr. that I’ve seen in Switzerland, than it must be possible. Hope is the last thing that dies right?

Thanks for your replies guys.

yes your right, It’s more a thought and I think Mew and some other guys on this forum really did tons of research I won’t be able to do in my lifetime. Actually I wanted to be this an open discussion, not actually I found the cure thing.
just trying to catch some inputs. My thought was given from some other members that experience sickle sides after some years of recovery and tell that they fell a bad cycle in the prostate region. This point made me think about it.

Thanks for your answer and hope the studies find something.

Also how would you explain sides exprienced by girls after using saw palmetto or accutane? they have exactly the same side as we do.

Hi spstriken

Thanks for your answer.
Something I didn’t know.
So again I’m quite lost with the theories.
Hope the mentioned studies will find something out.
Otherwhise I’ll stick to exercise every secound day for 2 - 4 years. this is my goal.

Take care and good luck

Maybe the other symptoms can be explained by the 5 alpha reductase function remaining off.

Or maybe changes in Nerosteriod levels caused by the tweaking of r endocrine systems can explain the other symptoms.

It’s pretty obvious r prostates are a major peice of this puzzle!

I think that that when a person is senstive to a DHT inhibiter that anything a DHT inhibiter has the potential to “stop” or “decrease the function of” just remains in our case permantly off after are abnormal recation.

In some people that means a shrunken prostate that remains shrunken and for other it means that plus permant inhibition of 5 alpha reductase function on the scalp and or the skin.

For others it’s all of that plus other things not turning back on that got turned off by the DHT inhibitets.

If one issue/change in the body was to blame for all of this, this syndrome would have been solved years ago.

Anythin r research tells us DHT inhibiters have the possibility to tweak from the dick to the brain can remain damagrd and of course it’s stupid to think that’s alwAys going to be the same in every case for every guy.

Because their are other factors at play here other than prostates being damaged .

Prostates have to be the major factor though. Consider this :

Way more guys than girls suffer from this syndrome or a version of this syndrome