PROSTATE - facts

I’m aware that prostate problems can be caused by a number of possible different factors, or a combination of them.
Androgen imbalance, infection or inflamation which can then restrict blood flow and proper size and drainage which can then perpetuate infection and a negative autoimmune response, as well as stress and tension, or other psychological or emotional reasons, all of which can create a spiraling effect.

How many of you feel that this has anything to do with your prostate?
ANd is ejaculate volume a problem for you?

I want to hear from all of you.

I have been reading “Prostate Health in 90 days” which discusses all of these reasons, but I will try to leave my opinions out of this post. Thanks.

I still suspect my prostate to some degree. Though I suspect everything at the moment until I find the cure. My prostate twitches and if prostatitus can effect libido then it makes sense to me. Doesnt explain the drop in androgens though or maybe this a chicken and egg thing.

I know high E can cause low ejaculate. I had low ejaculate while on fin, but now the volume is fine, but it just doesnt look right and its watery.

Anyone with genitourinary pain or discomfort can have libido problems, man or woman, but especially prostate symptoms. Its common fact, but is also talked about all over the prostatitis forum.
Also, I’m not saying you’re depressed, but depression can cause low T.

my ejaculate volume is definatley lower than it should be , i too believe it must have something to the with the prostate.
I’m on the broccoli treatment at the moment and hope this will help somewhat

Boston,let us know what you get from that book once your finished reading.

Boston, I think our problems have somtehing to do with our prostates, but also with our livers and brain and God knows what else. I also read “Prostate health in 90 days” and all I got from the book was:

  • Fasting with lemmon juice was very good
  • Colon and body detox is crucial
  • Taking aminoacids for prostate enlargement (BHP) is good
  • Avoid stress and negative thinking

The author calims to have cured TWICE fro prostate cancer, but I´m much more interested if you cold summarize your findings in th eother book (Healing your prosate, by Eva Urbaniak). Thanks for your help.

Broccoli as well as other cruciferous vegetables can interact with various pharmaceutical agents in the body and speed up drug metabolism, thereby causing a lessening of the desirable amount of drug in the body. … /21/6/1157