Propionibacterium, early colonizing infant bacteria

I know i’ve had some concerns about this bacteria previously but I have circled back to this once again.
There is a very noticeable effect almost immediately or within a few days of taking one of the only commercial versions of this bacteria or probiotic.

Im just going to go down the list here fairly quickly, and will get back to some of this.

Early microbial and metabolomic signatures predict later onset of necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm infants

All NEC cases lacked Propionibacterium

Early dysbiosis is strongly involved in the pathobiology of NEC. These striking findings require validation in larger studies but indicate that early microbial and metabolomic signatures may provide highly predictive biomarkers of NEC.

Our study revealed several factors that were significantly associated with subsequent risk of NEC, specifically, the absence of Propionibacterium

Then going back to this study I have posted numerous times,

Severe Acne in Female Patients Treated with Isotretinoin is associated with
Dysbiosis and its Consequences

The study included only female patients. The conclusions are
therefore only relevant for females. Isotretinoin is associated with
dysbiosis, malabsorption (with visceral fat decrease) and signs of
dysimmunity. Symptoms develop more than 20 years after the intake
of the medication taken at usual range and duration. A facilitating role
of Propionibacterium acnes cannot be excluded. Isotretinoin is known
to impair stem cells renewal and TLR2 expression in the mucosa of the
small gut. These pharmacological effects, explaining the efficacy of the
medication on acne (“the metabolic syndrome of the pilosebaceous
gland”) may induce the progressive atrophy of the jejunal mucosa
and its long-lasting consequences. No therapy is available yet.
Patients, prescribers and authorities should be aware of this adverse
event which incidence is high (2.6% of outward gastroenterological
consultations) especially when multi-annual surveillance for several
years are expected.

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Helpful bacterium shown to fortify newborns’ immune system in animal model

The bacterium is derived from gut microorganisms found in breastfed human infants. It works by reducing inflammation that leads to necrotizing enterocolitis, which destroys intestinal tissue and kills 20 to 30 percent of premature infants who get the disease. Findings published Jan. 15 in the journal Mucosal Immunology show the strain of Propionibacterium is potently effective and establishes how it mobilizes to fight infections.

In newborn mice, the P. UF1 bacterium significantly increased the number of protective, antibacterial cells known as Th17 cells and maintained another type of crucial immune system cell, the researchers found

“This establishes that specific strains of a probiotic bacterium can mobilize immunity to enhance the health of newborns,” Mohamadzadeh said.

The researchers demonstrated that the bacterium is transferred into a newborn’s intestine after being given orally to pregnant mice. In humans, that is potentially significant because it suggests that a beneficial bacterium could be given either during a pregnancy or after birth

Interesting stuff, as always. Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m under the impression that you had first-hand experience with Propionibacterium. If that’s indeed the case, what effects have your observed thus far?

I’m currently at a good spot and have came a long way to fixing my long standing microbiome dysbiosis. I’d venture to say that I have resolved about 90% of my chronic inflammatory symptoms. However, I can’t seem to shake off the remaining 10% with my current strategy and reading through yout post made me want to give this a shot. Btw, is it Propionibacterium acnes ATCC 11827- 0419P 0419P that you were referring to?

No, is this something that can even be bought on a consumer level?

Again looking back at what I just posted,
“These pharmacological effects, explaining the efficacy of the
medication on acne (“the metabolic syndrome of the pilosebaceous
gland”) may induce the progressive atrophy of the jejunal mucosa
and its long-lasting consequences. No therapy is available yet.

Necrotizing enterocolitis: A multifactorial disease with no cure

Commensal Propionibacterium strain UF1 mitigates intestinal inflammation via Th17 cell regulation

The first draft genome-sequence analyses of one of these newly identified Propionibacterium strains, tentatively designated P. UF1, exhibited 90% identity to known Propionibacterium species, including P . freudenreichii subsp. freudenreichii DSM20271T and subsp. shermanii CIRM-BIA1 (Figure 2A).

Consumption of human breast milk (HBM) attenuates the incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), which remains a leading and intractable cause of mortality in preterm infants. Here, we report that this diminution correlates with alterations in the gut microbiota, particularly enrichment of Propionibacterium species. Transfaunation of microbiota from HBM-fed preterm infants or a newly identified and cultured Propionibacterium strain, P. UF1, to germfree mice conferred protection against pathogen infection and correlated with profound increases in intestinal Th17 cells. The induction of Th17 cells was dependent on bacterial dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase (DlaT), a major protein expressed on the P. UF1 surface layer (S-layer). Binding of P. UF1 to its cognate receptor, SIGNR1, on dendritic cells resulted in the regulation of intestinal phagocytes. Importantly, transfer of P. UF1 profoundly mitigated induced NEC-like injury in neonatal mice. Together, these results mechanistically elucidate the protective effects of HBM and P. UF1–induced immunoregulation, which safeguard against proinflammatory diseases, including NEC.

Thanks for posting this. Got me real interested and I actually found some probiotic with one of this bacteria called Securil.

I bought one packet to evaluate. Also same bacteria can apparently be found in Emmental cheese.

Not responding on behalf of @guitarman01 but strain mentioned in the citation is different ( i.e. Propionibacterium P. UF1). Not sure if it exerts similar effects, though.

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Yeah I know. In the probiotic and cheese I mentioned they use P. freudenreichii.

It still seems like a great bacteria.

Some in depth info:

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Thanks for bringing it up @Cbrandel I’m reading into it in-depth at the moment.
“Propionibacteria produce an interestingly wide range of functional biomolecules like B group vitamins, trehalose, conjugated linoleic acid, propionic acid, bacteriocins, bifidogenic factors etc. ”

I’m so intrigued by it’s capability to utilizing lactate and produce both propionate and acetate. It also produces B vitamins (notably B12) and plays well with Bifidobacteria.

I’m sold! :wink:

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Thats what im taking, it is closely related to the p.uf1 strain mentioned in the studies.
I could use another opinion on it.

It seems to build up fairly quickly and 2 pills initially per day for a couple days and then one pill per day after that might be plenty. Theres 5 billion cfus per capsule.
This would maybe more so be about duration as opposed to dosage, and too much might give some stomach issues initially.

One thing thats different about this bacteria from most is that it seems to favor fat over carbs.
The acne species might even initiate lipogenesis.

You would maybe first notice an acidifying effect. Its not stomach acid. This has been very noticable and very intense at times for me. You might notice this in your sinus area as well.
I think this could have very strong antibacterial properties, it maybe feels like a type of clean.
In fact its even noted on a wiki page,

P. freudenreichii ferments lactate to form acetate, propionate, and carbon dioxide

In contrast to most lactic acid bacteria, this
bacterium mainly breaks down lipids, forming free fatty acids.

Recent research has focused on possible benefits incurred from consuming P. freudenreichii , which are thought to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract.[2] P. freudenreichii has also been suggested to possibly lower the incidence of colon cancer.

Another possible interest may be its vitamin k2 production and the fact that it puts out 2 prebiotics on its own that could also act as decoys for certain undesirable species or to keep in check.

Just a patent, but these thoughts dont come from thin air, there has been some research done.

Instantaneous intestinal regulator

The present invention provides an instantaneous intestinal regulator, which: contains a Propionibacteriaceae culture, DHNA or an analog thereof as an active ingredient; manifests intestine-regulating effects within one day after being taken; and manifests more pronounced intestine-regulating effects within two days after being taken. The present invention also provides an instantaneous intestinal regulator, which contains a Propionibacteriaceae culture, DHNA or an analog thereof as an active ingredient and maintains the intestine-regulating effects for two weeks after being taken.

I just got my package and started out with 2 tablets today.

I’ve read all the good stuff about it. Mainly it’s binding to the internal lining of the colon and promote mucus production. Also it seems to work in synergi with other strains of gut bacteria.

Will be interesting to see if I get any effect.

I’ve placed an order of the same product. However, I’m a bit hesitant about it now after digging deep into it. It appears to be great as anti-inflammatory, feeds off bifidobacteria, B12 producer, etc. That said, it reduces blood sugar and may result in hypoglycemia in those susceptible (me being one). That makes it ideal for those with diabetes.
“blood glucose and fasting insulin levels in the P. freudenreichii MJ2- and hkMJ2-treated groups decreased compared with those in the model group. P. freudenreichii MJ2 ameliorate insulin resistance by obesity. In conclusion, both MJ2 and hkMJ2 alleviate obesity and metabolic syndrome.”

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Involvement of Propionibacterium acnes in the augmentation of lipogenesis in hamster sebaceous glands in vivo and in vitro

So I have been using half the package of Securil now. I’m taking 4 tabs per day (2 morning, 2 evening, 30min before a meal).

And my sleep has improved so much it’s actually insane.

I have no idea if it’s due to this probiotic, but I’ve been having trouble sleeping even since Fin and now I’m sleeping almost to much. Feeling so much better when I’m able to sleep.

If anyone else tries Securil and get the same effect please report it here, because it can all just be a coincidence to.

Well in keeping with the theme here I did find this awhile back, not sure if I ever posted it.

Association between the faecal short-chain fatty acid propionate and infant sleep

The gut microbiota harvests energy from indigestible plant polysaccharides, forming short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) that are absorbed from the bowel. SCFAs provide energy—presumably after easily digested food components have been absorbed from the small intestine. Infant night waking is believed by many parents to be due to hunger. Our objective was to determine whether faecal SCFAs are associated with longer uninterrupted sleep in infants. Infants ( n = 57) provided faecal samples for determining SCFAs (7 months of age), and questionnaire data for determining infant sleep (7 and 8 months). Linear regression determined associations between SCFAs—faecal acetate, propionate and butyrate—and sleep. For each 1% higher propionate at 7 months of age, the longest night sleep was 6 (95% CI: 1, 10) minutes longer at both 7 and 8 months. A higher proportion of total faecal SCFA as propionate was associated with longer uninterrupted infant sleep.

Colonization of Cutibacterium avidum during infant gut microbiota establishment

Propionibacterium/Cutibacterium is a commensal in the early infant gut microbiota

Acetate and propionate are the main fermentation metabolites detected in infant feces during the first months of life, together with the intermediate metabolite lactate, which decreases starting from 3 months of age (Pham et al . [2016](javascript:;)). Recently, imbalances in lactate metabolism have been related to gastrointestinal symptoms such as infantile colic

Our findings highlight the natural presence of C. avidum and its role as a lactate-consumer and propionate-producer in infants younger than 3 months.

Establishment of the infant gut microbiota affects gut maturation and influences long-term health. Cutibacterium (formerly Propionibacterium ) have been identified as early colonizers, but little is known about their function.

Early colonization by Propionibacterium / Cutibacterium might determine later community assembly and infant gut health.

Propionibacterium/Cutibacterium , as pioneer bacteria, might prime the gut environment in relation to gut immune development, likely a protective factor against development of necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm infants (Foligne et al . [2013](javascript:;); Morrow et al ., [2013](javascript:;); Colliou et al . [2017](javascript:;)). These bacteria may also condition the gut environment by producing propionate

@guitarman01 what steps have you took to improve your gut health?

Ive gone back and forth between this probiotic and Align. One is based on everything you see here and the other is based on vitamin a metabolism. Both could make sense coming from Accutane. I think a possible long term solution might not be immediately obvious especially in my case being that I took Accutane over 20 years ago now. That is a long time to be in the wrong state of health.
I look for little improvements initially, things like eye moisture, skin health.
I wouldnt say there is a scenario to take both of these probiotics combined, that wouldnt make alot of sense to me.
There has been improvement though, im just not sure what is what yet.
When you ingest one of these probiotics at a high enough dose, you are also shaking up an ecosystem.
Then when it comes to diet there are two absolutely different schools of thought whether a high fat low carb diet could be more beneficial vs a low fat high (healthy carb) diet, or just low fat or mediterranean.

They are talking about vitamin K1/k2 here and propionibacterium as a source.
Vitamin k has also been shown to increase the expression of the Androgen Receptor.

Vitamin K epoxide reductase regulation of androgen receptor … › articles › PMC5355141

by BY Tew · 2017 · Cited by 19 — Warfarin belongs to the vitamin K antagonist class of anticoagulants, which inhibit … such as warfarin could potentially have some antiandrogen properties [38].

Food materials useful in preventing and ameliorating metabolic bone diseases and preventives/remedies for metabolic bone diseases comprising these materials

The present inventors have conducted extensive searches and research on food materials to solve the above problems, and as a result, have found that oral intake of cultures of propionic acid bacteria and lactic acid bacteria can increase bone mass and bone strength.

In the meantime, vitamin K which is widely known as a blood coagulation factor was found to also take part in bone metabolism and has been drawing interests, leading to the marketing of a vitamin K 2 preparation in Japan as a drug for ameliorating bone mass andpains in osteoporosis. In addition, food materials with vitamin K 1 or vitamin K 2 contained therein are being increasingly put on the market.

With the foregoing in view, the present invention has as an object thereof the provision of a novel food material useful for the prevention and/or amelioration of a metabolic bonedisease, especiallyosteoporosis. Thepresent invention 4 also has as another object thereof the provision of a pharmaceutical useful for the prevention and treatment of a metabolic bone disease.

Going back to another patent here,
It has been shown in the context of the present invention that vitamin K antagonists such as phenprocoumon modulate the interaction of antiandrogens such as flutamide with the androgen receptor, as detailed in the appended examples. In particular, phenprocoumon was found to restrain the induction of androgen receptor canonical targets by flutamide in a prostate cancer cell line carrying an androgen receptor T877A mutation where flutamide normally behaves as an agonist. The combination of the two approved drugs leads to AR degradation and apoptosis. Importantly, it has been shown that the N-terminal domain of AR is γ-carboxylated and this post-translational modification is inhibited by phenprocoumon, thereby discovering the molecular basis for the drug synergy. These findings indicate that vitamin K antagonists such as phenprocoumon can be repurposed in the clinic to address resistance of androgen positive cancers (particularly prostate cancer) to antiandrogens mediated by androgen receptor mutations such as T877A. Thus, the combination of an antiandrogen and a vitamin K antagonist as provided by the present invention is not only advantageous because of its synergistically enhanced inhibitory effect on androgen receptor

Can I ask you what symptoms do you have?

Have you ever felt “bad” on a probiotics? If so, was it a temporary worsening or was it permanent?

All of them.
Yes I always question what im doing, even now.
I have felt worse on Align at times and have questioned that.
Right now I am taking a a dairy version of this propionibacterium and I have noticed my vision has been blurry at times.
I also know using lasik eye surgery as an example the eyes can become much more blurry or even dry as the eyes adjust to a type of corrected or better vision, the actual shape of the eye has changed.
So right now I am riding this out to see if this aspect gets better.
That is just one example.
My eyes have also had really bad light sensitivity post Accutane, although this seemed to come on much more gradually. So this is something I am paying attention to as well.
Again if a person was looking for something life changing what would that really feel like initially?