Propecia Support Group on Facebook to Chat

Someone made a post about a support line or place to chat. I have just created a propecia support group on facebook, which is a secret group. Please PM me your name on facebook if you want to be added.

Because it is secret, none of your friends will know or can see you are a part of the group. I also called the group, “Pro support group”. I added one other person I know on here on facebook.

Also it gives us an outlet to chat in real time and post things.

I have gotten a couple messages from people on this. It’s great that people want to be added. Not enough though to have regular people in the chat. Shame! The group name makes it so no one can tell what it is we are talking about and the group is a secret group, so no one can even tell you are in it on facebook.

If you want to be added, please also tell me the network you are in also so I can narrow it down because chances are there are multiple people with the same name as you. Or message me and I can send you my info and you can add me.

Looking forward to talking to people soon.