Propecia/ Proscar and Liver damage stories

I had pale stool all the time. Not just after drinking. Since doing the liver cleanse it is back to normal color. When the liver is not producing sufficient levels of bile the stool becomes pale. Bile gives the stool it’s normal medium/dark brown color (if you told me two years ago I’d be talking about the color of my shit on an internet forum I would have laughed till I in fact shit myself). So, long story short, liver not producing adequate bile, pale stool. I think there was a weird guy on here a while back talking about taking OX bile and was cured. This probably helped him because he too had liver damage and bile wasn’t being released. I am attacking it by trying to keep the liver clean and thus help it to produce its own bile etc.

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Not solid medical journal type documentation, but good information on this topic none the less.

What are people taking/doing to repair their damaged liver? Any benefits noticed?


I developed a Hepatitis C, I wonder if Finasteride contributed to it.

eat healthily, stress less and exercise.avoid toxin exposure.
the liver will heal itself over time.

Taking milk thistle has gotten rid of my liver pain and abdominal bloating.

what amount and for how long?

2 grams a day been taking it for 4 months… no negative sides.

what brand? any other benefits like
muscle pain, appetite increase, sleep improvement, brainfog etc.

I’d have to go back to my apt and check the brand but I got it from vitamin world. No other benefits that I noticed… but the liver pain and bloating gone is good in itself.

any water retention before or after MT use? did you notice if you wear socks for few hours, marks become very deep and stay there for hours? I think this is also bloating.

Hmmmmm, this is quite interesting. I come from a family of big drinkers. I can usually put huge amounts of the sauce away. Vodka is my weapon of choice. I did notice recently that I was hugely suffering from hangovers and the hangover not shifting. I thought I was getting old (I am 38) but after 8-9 months of propecia usage maybe this was a factor. I never surrendered to a hangover before propecia.

p.s. NEVER (EVER) take ecstasy/mdma on propecia. You will not believe how bad the comedown is.