I wanted to share my experience with Propecia with hopes to receive feedback. I am learning what I have experienced is common but what is shocking is how fast things went bad.
When I first got Propecia from my doctor 1.5 months ago. When I started taking it, I couldn’t handle the headaches I was getting. I stopped taking it after just a few days.
A couple weeks following, I tried again, this time taking it night, and breaking the pill into 4-5 little pieces. This seemed manageable, so after about 2 weeks I did this and then decided to try and up the dosage to about 1/3 of the pill.
Another week or so passes and I notice my stress level rising and more importantly, I experienced impotence when with my wife. I’ve never experienced this so I decided to stop taking it Propecia.
It’s been about 4 days now, and maybe cold turkey was not a good idea. I have been feeling very depression, stress, anger, rage, and have been unable to control my emotions. I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow morning.
I had read some of these stories about such reactions, and am shocked that this happened within a short period of time.
My body has always been sensitive to different medications though I have no known allergies. I do have asthma, and I do take venlafaxine. No drugs, no drinking. Fairly healthy, diet/exercise. Except, I do drink 4-5 cups of coffee a day.
I am curious to know if others have experienced the same in a small amount of time, and if the symptoms went away? I sure am going to miss you hair, but not for the price.
I look forward to hearing from other folks on this forum.