My sperm (post fin) was in really good condition, for what its worth. We did have several years of fertility issues, but we think it was on my wife’s side of things. We had 8 miscarriages, specifically. But we now have 2 healthy, sweet, perfectly normal children. I do think, on the sperm side of things, there isn’t too much to be worried about. Just my two cents.
In respect to my own personal story - despite my libidio etc remaining shit (havent started “Treatment” yet),…my sperm seems to have improves. Less watery. Still not 100% but no pathetic completely watery shots like a few months ago.
visionquest99, from what I have seen on this forum the watery semen seems to go away for most guys on it own. As time goes by this seems improve for most guys.
Little confused here. I’m not sure we can say because semen appearance seems to return to “normal” that our sperm is still viable. (I hope it is…) My semen also appears less watery but like most everyone else the volume is way down from pre Fin.
I’ve tried almost every supplement you can think off but no real noticable difference (Semen wise).
Zinc or vitamin d3 are worth trying though.
I agree Boston. Although my volume isn’t that bad. At one point it was beyond pathetic.
It’s the only thing that has improved my erections are 65% without celias (80% with). Loss of girth is disturbing me tbh - feeling sexually inadequate right now. Hoping my treatment sorts this bullshit.
Thanks. I hope that is true for me. I have had some dry orgasms PFS, meaning little or no ejaculate. That situation is getting better, though I was worried about retrograde ejaculation possibly causing the problem. When you generate no cum, it’s a big psychological shock. Hope things improve in that dept.
i posted this somewhere else on a similar thread… there was a study where they were testing sperm deformities on this dude and found out his sperm was messed up. then he quit and he went back to normal.
then i posted some places where you can get your sperm checked… search google for DNA sperm check, it costs about 300, 400 bucks and they will check your sperm. i’m going to do this once i settle all this stuff with the side effects def.
I just did some research and it looks like normal morph is the % of sperm that are normal. ie… they dont have 2 heads, arent messed up, etc. I’m not any doctor, but you are only 6% off what would be considered normal… so I’m not sure if that is that big of an issue or not.
said something about how it would effect if you get a girl pregnant or not, but it won’t cause birth defects if you have a higher morph rate, you might have a harder time getting a girl pregnant.
i really want to see JN do this test…
i’m sure this will improve once your condition has improved because it makes sense to me that obviously our sperm won’t be in the best condition if we are having other issues down there as well.
So sure enough, it was the effect of the Finasteride, which quickly went away after discontinuing the drug. I must add that there was no visible effect on the sperm, nor any libido effects that I noticed during the time I was taking it aside from the normal effects of aging (I was 26 when started taking it, and 41 when stopped).