Propecia and dental problems

thx for your info jamielondon.

After I took DHEA for a couple of weeks/month now I don’t think it’s helping me. Actually it seems to even worsen the symptoms. But that’s just because I stopped taking dhea in December to start taking it again about 2 weeks ago. In december I didn’t experience that much problems with my teeth and gums (normally I alway feel a light pain in the gums and some teeth, especially after eating). But then after starting DHEA again these pains returned (along with the worsening of other symptoms connected to the PFS) so that I quit it again and am now waiting if it’s getting better again.

I know it sounds strange (especially compared to my last post) but I recently read that in men DHEA converts into estrogens and NOT Testosteron (that’s only in women), so that might be the reason that it even worsen the symptoms…

But I am not sure…and actually pretty desperate cause anything I’ve tried in the past seems to worsen the symptoms. EXEPT for fasting (did a 10 days fast last year). But unfortunately I’m far to thin right now to give it another try.

Have you tried 7-keto DHEA? It’s said not to convert into estrogen.

Oh no, I just took “normal” DHEA. Where did you find that 7-keto DHEA doesn’t convert into estrogen?

Hey jamielondon,

thanks for the link. That sounds interesting. Though it also doesn’t convert into testosteron…but nonetheless it’s worth a try cause of its other effects.

I would really appreciate if you could report your experiences…

Has anyone tried the 7-Keto DHEA? How is it working for you guys?

I’m taking DHEA orally and applying a plain old DHEA cream. I feel like I have more energy and my brain fog is clearing up. I’m doing a lot to improve my situation but DHEA is a cornerstone in my recovery, I FEEL. Constant high cortisol would deplete DHEA levels and I read on here about DHEA may help with 5AR activation (dont jump all over me, its just something I read). I also read that DHEA improves sleep quality in those post-menopause (study), helps with depression (study) and builds stronger bones- which are prey to high cortisol.

DHEA and Depression:

I believe the dental problems, specifically the gum recession, is the result of autoimmune issues.

Are you just taking regular DHEA or 7-Keto DHEA?

Conditions of the thyroid have also been known to cause teeth issues.

Back from the dentist. I have moderate gum disease, but thankfully no decay or cavitities. Slight gum recession and inflammation but that could be due to the large amount of tartar/plaque that had accumulated. I’ve had all that removed.

At the moment, I am brushing more frequently throughout the day; using an electric air/water flosser; oil pulling with coconut oil (which is antibacterial); and rinsing with warm salt water throughout the day.

I’m having x-rays @ the next visit- so no word on possible bone loss. But I believe it to be possible and have already started consuming bone building foods, i.e. raw milk, raw butter- lots of vit d, calcium, and vitamin K2. Magnesium salt baths too.

What I took away is that combating a bacteria overload is of paramount importance in maintaining not just gum health but almost bone mass of the teeth themselve- my dentist said that tartar, plaque etc causes our immune system to start eroding the bone away.

I’ve got good teeth but being young I just brushed, never flossed, and this sufficed. PFS seems to have lessened my bodies ability to cope on its own, so I’m giving it a helping hand :slight_smile:

Next visit in 3 months. I’ll update.

hey guys,

same here. recovered completely from pfs some months ago but still having dental issues. in particular when i was 3 months into pfs i had a lot of pain in my gums and one dentist suggest a bacterial inflammation due to stress. i believe those bacteria never went away so that my immune system is attacking my jaw and upperjaw bones to eliminate them, causing bone loss. Today i went to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned and i lost a lot of blood from my gums ( i am only 24 ). the dentist said that it could be bacteria and suggested xray. i will take them soon and let you know the report so that you guys can all get your mouth checked in case of dental issues. The dentist said that if i have bacteria/bone loss i will have to get those bacteria removed as soon as possible. hope i can get over this last problem and then i will be totally free :open_mouth:

i’ll keep u updated

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Now a few months since stopping Fin. Recently noticed severe dry mouth at night. Wake a couple of times each night and bottom of mouth is sore, sore tongue also from dryness. Tongue sore on back sides. Swollen saliva glands on bottom of jaw. Tried massaging glands and can manually milk saliva out, chewing a piece of lemon helps. So the saliva controller is out of whack.

Now having dental issues, person in the mirror looks alien, I’m passing through this hell, when does this ride end?

For bone issues I take bone up by jarrow formulas, it’s one of the best supplements on the market for bone health. Whether it works for teeth I don’t know but my bones no longer ache on this supplement and my teeth seem fine, it’s much better than taking calcium by itself.

So i went to get this jaw xray and the results showed NO bone loss. So my doctor said that the only problem causing bleeding is unexplainable gums recession due to possible “inflammation”.
I had gum recession in the worst period of my pfs, my gums became very pale and soft and today are still like this.
Now i have no pain, no problems chewing, no problems at all, just bleeding when brushing. Hope it will go away sooner or later like all other symptoms! take care guys

Interesting… I also have been having bleeding gums that started while I was on Propecia… I always thought it was something else…

No bone loss here either but still inflammation of the gums.

For anyone with problems with their teeth Blue Ice Royal Butter Oil / Fermented Cod Liver Oil Blend by Green Pastures is the supplement to take.
Lots of people take this to help prevent cavities and improve dental health, it should be one of the recommended supplements for PFS.
I found this product was better for my teeth than taking calcium formulas etc.