
i want to take progesterone.
to the people that using or used it, how do you apply it? where do you put it? on the neck?

put it in your ass,its the safest and best way,that way side effects will be minimal supposedly,i think its 5mg of cream per day if i remember right,the stuff i tried from biovea was 20mg per pump so i would take a quarter of a pump per day,to measure it out i would cut the end off a small syringe and squirt a tiny amount in then scrape it back out with a match,if one pump is say 1ml then fill the syringe tip upto a quarter ml,it may be 2ml per pump i cant remember,if so then it would be half a ml you would measure out etc,its a bit of a fiddly job,read lightattheends thread,you’ll get all the info on there of doses etc,i wouldnt reccomend progesterone though,it fucked me right up,massive hairloss,bad anxiety,shaking hands,sexual sides got even worse,i felt great for the first two weeks then dowhill from there…

Get a blood test to see if you’re deficient in progesterone first. There’s no point in supplementing if you’re already above range.