
It has been 5 days since I started 10mg of Natural Progesterone. I can report only one extremely interesting effect it has had on me. For the first time in 6 months I have alleviated much of the cold intolerance I was experiencing. Even a week ago (before the use) I was in an air conditioned 70 degree room and my hands were freezing cold. In fact, this week i have had some episodes in which I actually was sweating! 2 Months ago in 100 degree weather I couldnt even break a sweat.

Good job. The progesterone was converting into cortisol (known as prog. steal). So with healthy cortisol levels it allowed T3 to enter your cells and your body temp to rise. I skip out the one step and just take cortisol (cortef).

Hey moonman1, ok so this seems to be a nice step one. Again, I am under the theory that finasteride inhibited allopregnanolone or what the literature says as the “production of” allopregnanolone which involves progesterone as the precursor. Basically I feel the [u][u]biosynthesis has been affected, perhaps not the actuall levels or production. This would create a low progesterone scenario (also known as Estrogen Dominance) low progesterone leads to low testosterone levels. low vitamin D levels, lowers the thyroid production. Progesterone is an anti-inflammatory…so I feel low progesterone would push up your bodys inflammatory response of histamine. Low progesterone/estrogen dominance = high histamine levels, high histamine levels is countered by Cortisol.

So what do you believe could be the next step? This theory would not only explain all the symptoms but it would also explain why people would have temporary benefits from estrogen blockers, TRT, alpha blockers etc.

I have heard of super physiological doses of testosterone…to no avail…but what about the same for Progesterone?

I don’t buy into that theory, at least the mechanisms per say. The majority of us have shown higher progesterone levels. I do believe that for whatever reason, our nuerosteroid levels are depleted still.

I understand, but there is tons of literature that indiacates cortisol can block at the progesterone receptor site, so you can actually have very high levels of progesterone in your body yet suffer low progesterone because the receptor sites are blocked and thus no synthesis is occuring. A depleteion of neurosteriods would actually lead to this vicious cycle…all medically speaking.

My progesterone is lower than 10…and the normal result would be from 20 to 90 its been lower than 10 since my first blood test

Yup, that makes perfect sense. Progesterone is the hormone that puts everything in action. It can inhibit testosterone. Also to be estrogen dominant, even if your estrogen isnt high as long as the ratio is higher than progesterone…boom!

GOOD NEWS. My vitamin d level just went up!!!

From 24 to 37…wow im so happy

Are you taking Progesterone?

No progesterone for me