I appologize if this study has been previsouly posted. As many of you know, I am the leading proponent that finasteride has altered the progesterone to Estrogen ratio in our brains, causing a cascading effect and symptomolgy. My theory is that all of us anxious people had low levels of progesterone, which were depleted with finasteride use or cesation of use. I would actually be curious to know if those that are most anxious expereince the “worst” or most “devastating” side effects, but I digress. I am now hearing rumblings that they may have isolated the problem with regards to gene expression. This fits so snuggly and soundly into my theory, like a glove. In any event, hang in there everyone, I feel like something is going to break for all of us very soon.
Progesterone Inhibits basal and gonadotropin-releasing hormone induction of luteinizing hormone beta-subunit gene expression