Progesterone Cream/Selegiline (deprenyl) Dosages

Hey Guys,

If anyone is using progesterone cream or selegiline/deprenyl could you post your daily dosage routines. Also, if you buy them online the brands and from where.

Thanks a lot.

It is 5 - 10 mg Progesterone cream daily (biove progesterone - the right one i think). I do not have a source for selegiline till now. I will try to get it.

Improvements are really noticeable. It is real - and I hope it will help to recover.

By the way - smart thread - I was thinking about this before. Everyone should post, who is trying light at the ends protocol.

I’ve recently started the progesterone. Felt better since starting it, but it’s too soon for me to say that it was the reason.

how long have you been using projesterone cream?

I’ve bought progesterone cream as i was also interested in trying the protocol. I’m wondering

[]Which is the best way to apply the cream? I’ve heard of people applying it to the chest, others to the scrotum and Light at the end said the best way was to apply it rectally. [/]
[]Assuming the treatment would work, would it only be beneficial for people having low progesterone? [/]

Ogadwolverine: which improvements have you seen? And how long had you been using the cream until they were noticeable?

I’ve got the cream. Haven’t started using it consistently, though I may soon. What I’m also interested in is the selegiline/deprenyl. Someone in that thread about the recent conference said the speaker(s) mentioned something about selegiline. Does anyone know what they said? I would assume if they mentioned it, it would be because of therapy potential.

Exactly, however Bortolato et al are working on a therapeutic protocol according tothe “abstracts of the conference”. I don’t know if this regards only selegeline. They normally work on Tourette’s Syndrome and study fin for the treatment of Tourette’s s. My impression is that guy is very smart and works very quickly.

I have been using progesterone cream 10-20 mg for about a week on my forearms. To early to notice anything.
Tried Selegiline for two months about half a year ago. Felt happier but it didn’t help my ED.
I think Goldpharma still sells Selegiline.

Also, it’s very important you rotate the spot you’re applying the cream. Meaning don’t always apply it to your forearms. Apply it there, then next time apply it on your chest, then the soles of your feet, etc. If you always apply it the same place the cells will become oversaturated. The only way to avoid that 100% is to stick it up your ass, but I’m assuming most don’t want to do that, so I would advise rotating the application area.

Do Not use it on your forearms. For me it did Not work there. I am at The Point that i Need ist. Some Weeks ago i was Feeling my Prostata recover. But than i stopped and used something Else… Now i am 1 week in again!

Try it!

Thanks for the tips but I dont understand what you are saying. What is “ist”?
Was your prostata recovering with progesterone? Why did you stop using it? Are you one week in on your progesterone treatment?

Where on the body do you suggest to use progesterone?

Sorry, for misunderstanding! “Ist” is german and means “is”, what i mean is it! I Need it! I stopped cause i was adviced to use something else. I only did this for 2-3 weeks and this was a Bad time. After some days I feel Good again mental. Prostata recovering: more sperm and The Prostata got bigger, i had The impression.

Thanks for clarifying!
Where do you apply the cream?

on my stomache, legs, chest. I dont know if you have to rotate - but it didn´t work on my forearms. Again that is just what i felt.

Sorry for this question at this stage of thread.

Could you let me know the purpose of progesterone?

Is it for mental, physical or sexual?

Progesterone is a steroid hormone that gets transformed by 5 alpha reductase type 2, the enzyme that finasteride blocks, (via a multistep process) into the neurotransmitter allopregnanolone. Low levels of allopregnanolone are associated with depression, and other neurological issues.

The level of progesterone in PFS sufferers is seen in several instances at the high end of normal male levels or sometimes higher:

Progesterone has a multitude of effects, including the suppression of gonadatropins, so supplementation should be approached carefully: … 820.d04t01

IIRC elevated progesterone is associated with gynocomastia. Rather than supplement it, consider monitoring it regularly in response to treatment (as I do Adiol-G). Google “progesterone gyno” or refer to:

Thanks Kazman for the post. If I take progesterone, will it help my sexual things in anyway?
I also have sleep issues. Can I consider progesterone for that?


That are 2007 advices!!! Of course Progesteron has a Lot of effects to The body.

But we have ALL Depression and gyno and and …

Now it is possible that prog can cure pfs.

Mental it works in minutes, for me. Sexually it could be months.


Your words are giving little hope.
Did anyone try that protocol?
Was it suggested by any PFS docs?

i started 2.5 mg selegiline daily the other day (took at 5mg for two weeks months ago, didn’t notice much). i feel like im already noticing slight differences.

im interested in progesterone and if people can elaborate more on the best dosage/place to administer.
