Progesterone and pramipexole experiment

I haven’t had my blood tested in 6 months and I am not sure if I have ever had my progesterone tested. Would you suggest getting this tested before the trials?

I’ve never had it tested, do whatever you feel comfortable with.

Its been a while that you don’t update anything. How are you doing? As you said the biggest way to know if its working is the lucid dream. Did you get lucid dream everyday? I’m not feeling it now but I got before and it gave me improvements. Why don’t you do it 10mg all at once per day?
I will try to use vitamin b to help with the cream. One day I felt so good with mood, morning wood, no brain fog and libido was like 30% it was amazing and I miss it so much. I think I got dermal fatigue because when I first tried I got great sleep, dreams and numb.

HI just wondering if you have been completely cured of the brain fog. And around when in your progesterone treatment this happened. I understand it all gets worse before it gets better but Im in my second week and my brain is really foggy

hey Hypocyclist , any updates about your treatment regimen ???

Just ordered some. I have my hesitation over trying things like this, but I feel I have very little to lose as my life feels hopeless.

Fuckin order wont go through. Cant even buy shit to help us and doctors wont prescribe anything except paxil or prozac to help us. Fuck it all.

Pretty disappointed in this experiment due to lack of participation and lack of updating from those who said they would participate and received free items. Feel free to update / post here but I won’t be offering progesterone any longer, sorry. Hope all of you who took the dive see some symptom relief.

Hello everyone. I apologize for the delay in updating. I have been very busy as I am about to travel out of the country for work.

I have noticed some benefits from using the progesterone cream, not so much from the prami. In the first couple applications I felt like I had more energy and noticed that my libido was increased a little. My morning/night time errections are getting stronger and more frequent too. I have always been able yo get an errection when i needed one for sex but they were not as strong or i suffere from pretty severe PE. i beleive the cream has strengthend my sexual responses (i get harder faster) and i think it even helped my PE. I have noticed that I have been dreaming a lot more when I sleep and I def believe that this is from the progesterone and my dreams are very vivid and I feel better rested when I wake up. The changes are slight but I feel that as I use the protocol for longer that I will see better results. My prolactin wasnt high when I got my blood tested (I will post full results later) so I think that the prami is actually hurting more than it helps. I really appreciate you offering to do this expriment Hypo and I am def starting to feel like my old self.

What is kind of amazing is that I have been eating like crap and not working out hardly at all so I am positive that the gains are from the protocol. I think this protocol in conjunction with healthy eating/lifting and a water fast and I should be very close to 100%.

Give it a try guys. What have you got to lose?

Where can I get this??

Just to check with you hypnocyclist. Did you send any to me?

I will pay just need a source.

Thanks to your mac. I had had similar results for a week then I lost everything but I wasn’t taking prami, just the cream. My friend had the same thing and lost the effect of the cream, but he take dostinex with it and everything got back like dreams, libido. So I think that’s a must. Also if you can afford maca too would be great. I will try to buy prami today.

The dreams are a big sign that it is working. Cpuld you describe.yours.dreams? Do the look like HD resolution?
.Guys and Hypocyclist do you think the cream increase prolactin and thus we need to take prami?

Did this come to anything or fail?

Hello Everyone. Sorry to have been away for so long. I was out of the country for work. I am glad to hear that you had success Brazilianguy. That is very similar to what happened with me. Since I was out of the country I was not able to get new progesterone cream. I think this time around I am going to start another couple 14 day cycles but I am going to use the prami as well and see if the results differ from the last time in addition to eating healthy and working out regularly.

I haven’t been using for about the last month and a half and I still get the occasional good dream and night erection but what I have noticed is that my libido has slightly increased from what it was and I am getting slightly more random errections than I had before using (I got 5-6 in one day overseas). Now, I don’t know if this was a result of using the progesterone or if my body has helped to naturally heal or if it’s a combo of both. I last took the drug and had my crash over a year ago.

I recieced a PM from Droit asking how I was and if certain symptoms have improved. I had all of the really bad symptoms when I first crashed last year (shrinking, brain fog, nausea, fatigue, muscle loss, ED, ect) but after about 2-3 months the only symptoms I had and still have were ED, no random errections, very low libido. Everything else cleared on its own. I know I am one of the lucky ones when it comes to PFS but I am still trying to get to where I was before taking it and I think progesterone may help. I’d say give the cycle a try for at least 3 months. I will report back once I try my new regimine and let you all know how it goes. Best of luck.