Prof. Bouloux: PFS is Psychogenic

If people don’t fancy travelling to London and staying overnight for Prof Bouloux’s NPT study. They could get referred by their GP to Urology on the NHS and ask for it to be done locally. I’m assuming the equipment is available most places, as my GP has assured me it will be no problem in my area. If you are in contact with Bouloux’s people you could mention this and let them know this is the route you’d prefer to go down as they didn’t seem to have a problem when i mentioned it to them. I’m just going to send them the results when i get them. You could also ask for an ultrasound of your penis and a penile doppler to be carried out for good measure.

If you have trouble getting referred or getting the tests carried out, take with you any correspondence from Prof Bouloux showing the study he is carrying out and that of the American teaching hospitals where they are measuring ‘Penile hemodynamic and sensory parameters’.

I spoke with mr Bouloux too on the phone about a month ago. He is a nice guy, well mannered and honest. He indeed believes that there is a pre existing psychological state where pfs lies upon. He said that trazodone and bupropion are to be considered. I thanked him for his time and hung up. Of course i do not believe this. He is just taking the pure scientific approach which sais that the people who express pfs symptoms are a minority, thus there is something wrong with them, everyone mentions depression,anxiety,panic attacks, so its psychological and the rest of the symptoms derive from this base. I do not blame him he is just thinking in the way he learned in medical school. But a real doctor should be very alarmed when 100 different people with different age,background etc mention the same symptoms from a drug which interferes with hormonal balance. The science of medicine up to this point is still not in a state to deal with issues governing neurosteroids and their connection with hormones. Also, how neurosteroids affect the function of the whole body. It is a new field and lately more and more researchers and doctors are into this. Hopefully in a few years we will know enough to treat out problem. But right now we are on out own and we must be the doctors for ourselves.

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And also i want to add that after this condition i experienced , i have completely lost my trust towards doctors. Nearly none of the doctors i have visited is aware of this syndrome. And the ones that were aware were telling me that it could not happen with such a low dose i used. I was getting angry as the months were passing and nothing was changing, so I was asking the doctors what is wrong with me. They kept telling me its psychological…Then after reading this forum thoroughly, i understood that everyone here had the same problems and also top US doctors could not solve the problem. And i understood that on this i’m on my own. Nobody can help me except myself. Even my own family believe what the doctors say and not me, as i am not a doctor of course. Its like a movie where some innocent gets in prison and no lawyer wants to get his case, so he studies law in order to defend himself properly. This is how i feel right now and I am dedicated in finding whatever might help me recover as soon as possible.

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Yes I understand how frustrating it can be, and I believe, and I will say it again…they won’t figure this syndrome out unless they realize that even a mere .25mg can induce this state.

That is what i have been thinking from the start of this, and i believe its a negative reaction from the brain which makes it send the wrong signals. i know from my experience that drugs that interfere with brain chemistry have made my symptoms worse and even new ones.

I have a working theory on exactly what happened if you want to message me Costa. I think I am right on and it accounts for the single dose sufferer

Thats a good analogy. Another way of putting it is that we are like people who have been put in a mental home but are completely sane and doctors wont believe anything we tell them.

Sometimes im feeling like Kyle Reeves from Terminator 1.

Its a Scene who he try to told the Police he came from the Future to save the Mankind from the Terminator the Police told him to shut up because he is crazy.

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Hi all first time poster and in desparate need of help

I was on propecia for c. 5 years with minimal side effects

Gave up c. 2 years ago and didnt crash, then c. 8months later crash arrives and I got all of the sexual sides in spades

Went to 3 doctors on nhs, all said I was fine and problem was in my head, then visited a urologist and failed a doppler exam. He said I had a venous leak and was damaged for life

In panic, I went private and went to another urologist. Passed the doppler this time and he made me take detailed bloods (the first doc out of 6 whi made me do this)

Bloods came back, my SHBG and Prolactin were off the charts so need to see a goid endo in london…does anyone have any reccomendations? thanks a lot

Be careful with bupropion, some have had bad experiences with it.

This guy loves to bump 2-5 year old threads adding no meaningful additions doesn’t he?

I was searching experiences with bupropion, and found this guy recommending buproprion, I didn’t even realize when this thread was from. I don’t think warning that buproprion made some people crash adds “no meaningful additions”. And to be honest, it is irrelevant when the thread is from. People who come here for help start searching all around the forum, so if they find the message recommending buproprion, now they will also see my message telling them to be careful with buproprion :wink:

But I see this bothers you a lot, as I am not the first person you tell this :grin:

Next time you are feeling irritable, remember that this is just a forum for people with PFS, nothing else.

Just like you search for experiences, so does everyone else here. The reason why thread bumping is valuable is because people add insights and experiences as time goes on. If you had said “I went on bupropion and xxx happened,” or even linked a study or other user’s experiences, that would be exponentially more meaningful than bumping a 6+ year old thread with a vague comment about “how some people have had bad experiences.” I see that you took time to link my own comment but didn’t take the time to do the same with your statement about other’s bad experiences.