Hi Everybody,
I took propecia for 1,5 years between 2009-2010. I’m now off since mars 2011 and i gradually see my main penis vein going bigger and bigger. Now it’s look like i have varicose vein on penis and i’m a bit worry about that situation. I would like to understand if this can be dangerous like other varicose vein that you can have in the body or not ?
I suffer during one years on horrible side effect after stoping the medication (No libido, No erection, penis lighter, testicular atrophy, penis elastic skin). I still have this issue but i now can have erection and sexual relation.
Can someone advise me what to do ? i consult a doctor here in france but they just don’t believe you saying that is all in the head. I did some Hormone test and my FSH and LSH are a bit low, my testosterone is good and i have a bit elevated prolactine 22 ng Range( 5-18).
Thks for your answer.