premature ejectulation

what can i do about it? i ejeculate realy fast like 20-30 seconds…

think about something that really turns you off.

ha ha but i am afraid my erection will also turn off…

i can’t fully understand why some pfs ppl suffer premature eiaculation.

if ur penile sensibility is reduced, if u achieve an erection u could last longer that normal

try 25mg of viagra and 3 or 4 beers,you’ll be able to go forever,the trouble is feeling anything,a few year back when i was still trying to date etc,i would be banging away while on the viagra and alcohol but couldnt feel fuck all,nerves seem dead in dick and nothing sexual happening in my head…

I need 100mg viagra to get an erection.
I don’t know why pfs suffers have premature ejaculation, maybe because the pelvic floor.

i suffer from premature ejaculation too, i have a strange feeling at the base of the penis that makes me difficult too keep the erection for too long, it is not a pain or a burning, it’s something similar to when you really need to pee. Actually i don’t have this feeling always, it comes and goes away.

Enyone ever tried that?

Is it bulshit?

I understand that premature ejactulation is also because serotonin/dopamin?