Since having PFS I suffer from premature ejaculation. This was never an issue for me before taking Propecia and if anything my sexual stamina was excellent. Now I can climax in a matter of seconds.
It seems very few members on this forum have this issue and so I was wondering whether anyone has any thoughts on this?
A GP told me that the fact I have premature ejaculation means I cannot have erectile dysfunction. This is nonsense. I can only get erect through manual stimulation and once hard, unless I stimulate myself very slowly, I will climax in 10-20 seconds. The same goes for when I have sex.
It can feel pleasurable to climax so perhaps I should be grateful that my penis still has sensitivity but if anything it is too sensitive. I would much rather that my penis felt numb but enabled me to at least satisfy a woman.
I feel that since I haven’t had any nocturnal, spontaneous or morning erections and as I suffer from testicle shrinkage and pain since taking Propecia that premature ejaculation is a further sympton related to these other issues. However is it possible that the premature ejaculation issue could be a psychological problem that has come about as a result of me being concerned with all my other sexual issues?
My feeling is that PE is yet another PFS sympton but it’s absence in the list of side effects on this site has led me to question this.
I appreciate that nobody can know for certain since PFS affects us all differently but any thoughts would be much appreciated.