I don’t see much discussion of this on the forum. It seems that most see it as NOT being associated with PFS. Sure, there is bound to be some people with severe Premature E, but for me it was clearly associated with the crash.
In fact this is how it started. A girl was giving me a BJ and I ejaculated within seconds. Talk about embarrassment. I usually do NOT even orgasm from BJs, it takes real long and I need to help her. I was puzzled. Sure enough, next masturbation same thing happened + my dick became numb.
Then crash… so clearly PE was tightly associated with the oneset of my symptoms. ANYONE WITH SIMILAR EXPERIENCE?
To me PE is one of the worst symptoms next to the constant fatigue. I frankly learned how to live with low libido and even numbness. And yes having numbness+PE is weird and messed up, but I do.
PE is the thing that is keeping me away from dating. I got embarrassed too many times. If I manage to resolve my PE I would be able to live a better life… I would bite the bullet at least and just take Cialis before sex and get on with my life…
I am really interested in what could be the reason for this, and HOW COMMON IS PE amongst PFS folks?
I will be trying to do reverse kegels (only limited success last time I tried). Anything else you recommend? Any pills?