Premature aging of the penis

This wa discussed on a video interview with Dr Goldstein and his associate

It’s like our cocks are those of eightybyear old smokers apparently. How is this reversible?

Do you have a link to the video in question?

I would take anything Dr. Goldstein says about etiology with a grain of salt. He is likely extrapolating from the Doppler ultrasounds of patients he sees. From what I have seen and heard about him, Dr. Goldstein performs ultrasounds on many patients that other urologists would not, and also makes grim pronouncements about the contents of said ultrasounds that are not always in line with other urologists in this same practice. He might very well have enough data for a case controlled study at this point, but absent peer review his opinion is just that - his opinion.

If this is indeed occurring, I doubt it is reversible with current technology. Penile fibrosis secondary to hypogonadism is known to improve to some degree when testosterone is raised, but PFS is not hypogonadism.