Pregnenolone therapy


I’ve been battling PFS since 2011. Since I took iT my libido went to zero.
Also I have erectile dysfunction. I Still Could have sex but my penis was not as hard as before and sometines lost the erection during sex.

I have tried a lot to solve this:

• THT therapy (testosterone injections)
• Dozens of vitamins
• Healthy diet
• Weight lifting

All of the above did not lead to a solution.

Now for the first time, I tried taking Progesterone daily. I can say I have my libido back.
For the first time in years I really felt a sex drive. Even getting erections only by thinking about sex.

Even though I Will not say I am 100% recovered, this is a big inprovement, and maybe this finding Will help further research.

Just wanted to share my story with u Guys. Hope iT helps.

Take care


But what is the CORRECT way to take progesterone?

That is the detail that matters because everyone on this forum who experimented with progesterone said it either did nothing or eventually made them worse after some initial improvements. What dosage, what form did you take?

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Im sorry, I Made a mistake, I an taking:


NOT progesterone.

I have informed the admin about this mistake but
They didn’t change the topic.

I am taking one pill daily. But at this moment, after 4 months of taking it, the libido
Decreased again. But in the beginning it was amazing


This is exactely what I experienced, too. On hack, I read why this can function (loop).

Regarding a protocol, Ignite, check hack, you see there different protocols. The worst thing I got was being tired.
But even sleep issues got better.


@Delta9 have you been taking it continuously? You are supposed to take a week or two off each month. Are you still taking it? And what dose? I have read 10mg per day is the ideal