
I find powerlifting has really helped a lot. Since I’ve started, my beard has gotten thicker, my erections are slightly better, my body looks masculine, and I haven’t experienced any new hair loss. Furthermore, mentally, powerlifting has made me feel much better. I can concentrate better, no longer have as much anxiety, and I just feel more like a man… something that Finasteride managed to take away. If you want details on my work out routine let me know.

pEaCe-----------> tHe DuCk <(" )

a lot of people have complained of muscle wastage and inability to gain muscle… i haven’t noticed that with me.

BUT i have noticed jogging has made me feel better.

I’m going to start lifting again soon , thanks!

Please continue to observe and post here on the effects. I find that effects from lifting and exercise diminish over time to nothing. The only way to get them back is stop for a few weeks. The cycle ratio of good to bad is getting worse, I’d like to know if anyone is able to beat this.

I don’t see the logic in this. Exercise is proven to increase metabolism, balance hormone levels, and increase overall well-being and health. How would the effects diminish over time to nothing? The positive effects of exercise are plentiful.

As for powerlifting, the human body, when face with an extreme work load, will do anything within its ability to adapt to that workload. If one is constantly pushing for greater strength increases, then the body must release hormones that will help increase strength, aka testosterone. Ultimately, an increase in natural hormone production seems to be what we need.

I have noticed extreme benefits from doing vigorous exercise, and none of the effects have diminished overtime. Since I have started, I have made a substantial improvement in my libido, mental clarity, energy, musculature, erection quality, and even noticed some gain in erection size.

No problem! I recommend that you start out light and focus on technique. Eventually, I suggest that you begin to continuously increase the weight. Try to get as strong as you possibly can. Aim for 1-5 rep sets and do compound exercises. Let me know how the exercise treats you!

I believe effective exercise is the safest, and best long term solution for the problems that this drug has induced. However, one must remember that no good solution is instant. The benefits from exercise take time to develop, but if you stick with it, the benefits will be enormous. I am speaking from my own personal experience.

( “)> tHe DuCk <(” )

martin you are right, i felt amazing for 5 days when i started up jogging again… emotions back and everything…
it tapered off… but what the jogging did cure was my energy and exhaustion.

duck - if you read this board carefully, you will find that most of us have had periods of relief, from days to weeks, when we do something to alter our hormonal profiles, from boosting testosterone in various ways, or interval training or powerlifting (boosts GH -> increases. IGF-1 and thus 5 alpha reductase type 2 activity), however, almost invariably, our bodies revert back to their finasteride altered homeostasis even if, say, clomiphene stimulation or T shots or powerlifting are continued.

That said, I power lift once every two weeks or so. The first time I ever got relief was from interval training, thus I interval trained more often, and two things happened, the relighting of libido gradually faded away, and then exhaustion set in.

Every two weeks or so? That is nowhere near enough to produce the changes you are striving for. To get the changes we want, you have to change your body and the way it works. This does not come from trivial exercise. Exercise must be incorporated into your life. You have to find a way to transform that TV watching time, or time spent on Propeciahelp to go to the gym and physically stress your body with a high intensity workout, and you have to do it much more often than once every two weeks. If first starting out, I could see how once every two weeks would be enough, but then, you have to increase your exercise frequency. Once you don’t see the effects from powerlifting once every two weeks, you start doing intense lifts once a week. Then you up it to twice a week. Then 3 times a week. Then, once 3 times a week of intense lifting is enough, add intense interval training on the off days and use the weekends to pig out and rest. You have to constantly strive to improve. The second you stop trying to better yourself is the second you will begin to grow old. I promise you, do this program for a year and then tell me exercise doesn’t work.

I doubt you could do it for a year though, because most people don’t want to put in the EXTREMELY HARD WORK. That’s why so many guys on this board are looking for an instant miracle cure and supplement. Well, I guess I’ll be the bearer of bad news fellas, these cures are not going to happen anytime soon. Our understanding of the human body and all of its intricacies hasn’t even scratched the surface (especially when it comes to the endocrine system).

Duck, here you don’t get it. It’s not about putting in hard work. It’s about increasing activity until the body crashes. You know the feeling of drinking a beer and enjoying it? Then drinking 2? Then 6? Then 24? The problem with working out is just like beer. First one feels great. But I have a high refractory period. I used to be able to orgasm several times in a night. One night I did 6 right before I started taking fin. Now I’m lucky if I can go two days back to back and some times it’s only once a week. The same goes for working out, the energy isn’t there. If I work out when the energy isn’t there I’m spending it with a deficit and later must pay.

I’ve been active all my life with daily exercise until I started crashing on fin. After I stopped I’ve had periods of energy bursts and worked out many periods of at least 5 days a week. I could never maintain though, because the muscles stop responding, they get stiff and tight and it makes me so tired I have to sleep 12+ hours a day.

I understand. Fin devastated my energy levels too. All I can say is exercise has helped me profoundly. I found a way to get to the gym even when I was very very fatigued. We are all the same, yet different. If you find exercise has negatives that outweighs the positives then I feel truly sorry. I hope you can overcome this obstacle then in whatever way best suites you.

youre gonna blow your adrenals even more…

the key is light moderate excersiz eand only when you feel good…