Excess PHENYLALANINE showing up on blood test is a huge problem. PHENYLALANINE is key for hormonal and adrenaline processes. It is responsible for many functions such as: Neurotransmitter conversions, and Thyroid Function(T4 & T3 conversion). If our bodies is NOT converting Phenylalanine efficiently, then your body will have excess amounts which possiblity lead to toxicity, hormonal imbalances, and adrenal fatigue.

These is no question in my mind that when I consistently take supplements like Pregnolone, Yohimbine(on occasion) & 5-HTP I feel a lot better. I think this is because our body isnt converting Phenylalanine effeciently and we benefit from these supplements. Why is that when I take these supplements I feel somewhat better?

For this thread, please only post your PHENYLALANINE blood test along with the given range. I will bring this up to my doctor and get this done asap. I believe Finasteride has caused a significant crash to our systems and this could be the key element in getting better. If this holds true, then we can get diagnosed with PHE and get treated with BH4 medication.

If you would like to learn more about this, you can be directed to this thread where I talk a little bit more about it along with some references.


You can also look at this link which will give you an explanation on BH4 which is the enzyme responsible for this


this appears to tie into cfs once again. glad you are getting it tested. looks like if its expensive ammonia could be another test to try.