Post masturbation improvement/crash

When i go for a period of about a week or so of feeling better (worse) a couple of masturbation sessions can make this much worse (better).

Anyone understand, shares my experience?

It seems like we should masturbate less but in good times when dick starts to feel more numb you should stop (something i did nit do tonight and regret a lot), and when dick is numb for longer period, then abstain until you feel a tiny improvement, but when you do, go ahead and masturbate, it is better…

That seems my experience…

Masturbation and sex severely worsens my condition.

Currently trying a month of abstinence from sex and masturbation to see whether there are significant improvements.

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3 years after pfs crash , i was masturbating 3 times a day when in service if you need an idea.

There’s plenty of other posts nothing the very same thing. Prior to PFS, none of us would have cared about all of the chemical changes that happen in our body following ejaculation.

It used to be so simple:

  1. sex or porn
  2. sandwich
  3. nap time

Now there’s enough of us that fall apart after something that used to be so trivial that members are turning into qualified scientists to figure out all the chemical reactions that happen in us.

My own observation is probably in-line with most others; ejaculation every other day or every three days is that “happy medium.” If I go longer than that, I actually kind of lose a bit of desire for it, but if I get too confident about my condition it comes back to bite me by keeping me more fatigued than normal for a day or two.

Seems pretty similar. I’ve noticed if I get aroused my feet get very cold and after sex symptoms come on in the next 24 hours - increased brain fog, cold hands and feet, worse insomnia. Never abstained for more than a week but I do notice improvements in sleep, coldness and brain fog (bearing in mind I don’t have ED or any issues like that).

Any idea how sex causes any of the above? Not seen anything that really explains this.

I totally agree re masturbation making things way worse. I have noticed over the years that after jacking off I tend to feel down, anxious, cloudy, not myself, and generally upset.

Ive been abstaining from porn and masturbation on and off for about a year now (have relapses now and then). Can definitively say that for myself, not fapping or looking at porn helps. I just abstained for 3 months, had a bit of libido, spontaneous erections. I felt happier, more motivated and just generally not too bad.

Ended up fapping a few times this week to test it out, and Ive crashed again. First time didn’t really feel too bad actually. Had a good erection. By the 3rd time, I felt totally different. Feeling depressed, I cant think clearly, Anxious and shaky, very unconfident. Life almost feels darker I constantly feel like I have a runny nose. Dick feels dead again. I felt really bad for the first two days, and on the third day (today) I feel a bit better. I know it will go away as I know my body now, but only if i dont fap.

I’m going do abstain for a lot longer this time, 6-12 months. I don’t actually think it cures pfs, but ive masturbated enough times to know how bad it makes me.

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“Masturbation to the point of sexual exhaustion has been seen in multiple studies to block androgen receptors so that only estrogen can enter them. One study even found out that it may take up to 15 days for that receptor to return into its normal state.” … receptors/ … -of-a-man/

I believe awor had a question thread asking how many people felt worse after orgasm. I think its because the scientists are interested in how the hormonal changes following orgasm affect us. For example, even in healthy people, prolactin increases post orgasm. This increase in prolactin may be why PFS sufferers feel worse, whereas it doesn’t affect healthy men. Either way, I think the Italian scientists are looking into it.

I was wondering the same thing. Would masturbation have an exercise-like effect? I worry that not masturbating results in atrophy.

Hi, i join this conversation cause i was wondering the same. Yesterday i did masturbate and this morning i felt very anxious. I’m not sure is because of masturbation or maybe because i’m reducing the antidpressants but with syndrome, who knows?

Lots of people say that ejaculation causes worsening symptoms. Some say they have crashed following too much sex/masturbation.

Probably quite an easy conclusion to draw.

I definitely crashed following too much sex and masturbation, like some dam that broke and wasn’t rebuilt after that.

What are the theories regarding this crash due to sex/masturbation?

Change in hormone levels following ejaculation.

Hi Greek, And that change induced some persistent crash, for example a neurological one?

Also to me friend, same situation

Masturbation and ejaculation increase serum prolactin levels and have a supregregulating effect on AR receptor expression . THE TOTAL SUCK!

Ok, now very fresh story. Somehow masturbation helping me to recover. But i might be wrong. so I masturbated yesterday after 4 day break. and In the morning I felt so much better. feels like pre accutane. I feel motivated to do something. My penis is in semi erected regime during the day. I can feel the attraction while being near the pretty girl. Its like you can subconciously ‘’ smell’’ her high estrogen and you get elevated. In other words, probably I have subconscious chemical absorbance that triggers desire for her. This feeling was lost long time ago, i didn’t feel anything while being near the girls. But today it was like in the old days. feels like hormones got balanced. Similar recoveries happened before,when i had completely 0 libido and I was forcing masturbation. Now there are other factors that might had an impact : I finished first cycle of Tribulus with high protodioscin 3 days ago. I am taking beta alanine regularly(not sure if it affects anything). I am working out in a gym regularly.

There is another thing that have been lost and now came back. Its hard for me to explain but i will try. when you getting an erection you have a power of ‘’ contracting’’ some muscles(or something else i am poor in biology) under testicles, and by doing that you force your erection to get harder. Its like you have some kind control over your penis. and you can make it bouncing by ‘‘contracting’’ this muscle. Not sure if someone understood what i mean. But this contraction was also lost long time ago. Now came back.

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Yes! I know what you mean man. Those muscles are the pelvic floor muscles. Right under your testicles. I really think the erection problems somehow relate to those muscles. Does anyone know about hormonal connections for finding relatable information about those muscles?

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Also brain chemicals as well
It’s probably both
I literally just had this problem and slowly feeling better
And I’ve never had this problem
I always did as much as I could or what my body allowed
But this time I went too fair in to short a time
I felt AWFUL the last 2 days
No sleep, brain fog you make it
THEN stupid me I ran to clear my head because my head was racing at night really all day
Made it worse temporarily
I took melatonin 1.25 mg and it put me out even tho I woke up a lot
Just gonna rest now and hopefully recover from this
But what now I gotta sorry about this Shit now?
I NEVER had to before