Hi, I just joined this site today and reason why I joined was to hear some advice from people who are experiencing similar problem like me.
I have been using propecia for about 7 and 1/2 months for hair loss problem and reason why I quit was because I felt a shock on my testes then I got scared and quit, yes cold turkey.
I felt fine at first with quitting and hoping my watery semen would turn to normal but as I ejaculated, next day I felt pain on my left testicle again then after 1 day it disappeared so I thought it was gone and it kept getting worse, pain persisted longer. 2 days, 3days, then almost a week to feeling no or little pain. Of course, I was scared and went to doctor and told her what happened and she did ultra sound on my testicle and some bloodtest which came fine but pain persisted and gotten worser as time went on. yes, usually after I masterbate, the next day it hurts alot and also I felt so weak… no energy. I had panic attack after and went to emergency and they recommended me to urologist and I told my story and he said propecia has caused problem with prostate and he checked and was fine. And actually gave me ibuprofen for anti-inflammatory drugs. I took about 1 months and still had problem, much much worse. I did ejaculate 2 times in that day and felt pain below my stomach and above genital area. It actually hurt very much, almost poking me with needle and whole body felt lil ache time to time but very minor. Anyway that poking pain had went minor also after 3 days but of course my testicle hurted constantly, throbbing feeling. I went to urologist again and he said its all in my head and so on… which doesn’t seem true.
I have browsed some stuff about post finastride and would like you guys opinion or advice as to what happened and what would be best to do for me now since it seems permanent. Thank you.
Stop masturbating!!
If the pains are the only thing that is are problem at this point then I’d consider yourself lucky. Read some of the member stories. A lot of us have had figurative nuclear weapons detonated inside of our bodies.
Live a healthy lifestyle and try to relax. Monitor things as time goes on. Get blood testing done per the facts section.
yes, I’m definately trying to control myself on masterbation…
Is there anything more helpful, in detail?
I read some recovery stories and they’ve used multi vitamins and maca for their problem
so I have bought myself those 2 supplements.
Any more suggestion would be really appreciated. Thank you.
Try to eat a paleo diet, don’t drink or do anything that could upset your hormone balance, avoid sugar, caffeine, exercise moderately but don’t overdo it, get plenty of rest, and the previous poster is right, definitely don’t over masturbate, i recommend no more than once every three days.
Testicular pain is a listed potential/reported side effect by Merck while taking Finasteride.
PG 3: merck.com/product/usa/pi_circulars/p/propecia/propecia_ppi.pdf
Now that you’ve quit, the pain should resolve with time – perhaps it may take awhile in your case. Not sure what the reason could be to cause it to continue post drug, however.
Post results of your bloodtests.
In meantime, try and relax and don’t overdo it with masturbation. Give your body some time to heal.
On the New Zealand data sheet it is listed as an adverse experiance post marketing, aswell.
Thanks for replying and being informative. I quitted about 5 months ago and it seems like its actually getting worse which is why I joined this site for advice. I’m definately making an appointment for bloodtest and will post when I do get the result.