Post finasteride syndrome search

I’m sure this has been covered previously but on conducting a fresh search on another phone this was the first thing that popped up on the list.

This explains why we get short shrift from Drs. My neurologist dismissed me upon entering his room he said he googled Pfs prior to me seeing him. Now I know why

No wonder we have no credence and are fucked before we start.

I believe companies can pay Google to be at the top of the search list. Regardless this is out of date and should be updated or removed.

I’m no conspriracist but the Cu** in Merck will be behind this.

A very good point @LazarusRy you could call them out on it ….in the same way doctors hate it when patients google medical stuff , this is the same thing

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Doctors are arrogant fucks with God complexes
Even my friends who are doctors can be jerky sometimes it’s so annoying
We get it congratulations you went to med school
Hip Hip Hooray

I believe doctors ruin just as many lives as they help most likely

With our thing…they either can’t or refuse to acknowledge it. Maybe they’re told not to acknowledge it because of the scumbag demons at Merck.


This is why awareness is so important. Our website will rank more highly if, for example, we had dozens of high-quality videos from patients speaking, along with other good content (research papers, blogs, etc). We’ll soon have 15 pieces of high-quality content, which is great.

I’ll also be working on some paid search strategies soon, using my own money, to rank our website as the first result for Post-Finasteride Syndrome. It’s SEM not SEO, so it will show as an Ad, but over time that traffic and engagement with our site will lead Google to rank us more highly.

We understand how damaging it is for many patients, especially when telling their friends and family about their condition, to have this absolute nonsense rank as the first result. Give us time and work with us, and we can change this.


Yesterday the was pfs in TV in Germany. Date: 30.6.2021 Time: 21:00 TV Chanal WDR Link WDR Mediathek Titel: Die Tricks der Schönheit Industrie " the Tricks of the Beauty Industrie" I have send the Link to Northern Star allready.

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@Sugarhouse Dear Mitch you do such a great job. I think about filming a Video about my case (Fin against benign prostain enlargement / Proscar Generica)

Hi @Exsexgod if that is the case, could you please reach out privately? We can set up a time for you to come on the podcast. The content is much more powerful if it’s consistently from one channel rather than multiple.

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Yes this is I want to do. You give all the videos a very professionelle outlook.

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Any progress on the summer research that was supposed to start up?

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Still working on it. At the moment we’re still in consultations with different researchers to synthesise the right approach, but as soon as we have an update we’ll let the forum know.


This stuff is so maddening. They’re begging the question; deciding on a conclusion (that it’s a delusional disorder) and then developing their study to get results that will confirm their predetermined conclusion. It’s remarkably unscientific, but it’s presented as if it is scientific.

When I was told that 1-2% of men experience sexual side effects that go away upon cessation of fin, I didn’t even think twice. I was not in the least bit concerned about it. So when I lost all sensation in my dick, that wasn’t a nocebo effect, because I very much wasn’t expecting it to happen.

When I told myself, “OK, just stop taking it and you’ll be fine in a week,” it wasn’t a nocebo effect when I still had no sensation a week later… and a month later… and three months later.

But if I tell them that I experienced depression prior to developing PFS symptoms, they’ll just write me off as delusional to satisfy their predetermined conclusion. What a crock of shit.

And when my symptoms resolved after 7 months, I guess they’d say that I stopped being delusional at that point? Even though I still insist that I wasn’t imagining my symptoms during those 7 months?

Ugh. Sorry. I know we’re all on the same page about this stuff, so I’m just venting to the choir. But the sheer negligence (at best) and complicity (at worst) of people in the medical profession is so infuriating.


I don’t mean to push/rush you guys at all…but is there anything that can be done to speed up research? I know a lot of people have given up on it which is probably why this thread is so short, but I still think it’s our best shot at actually understanding this thing.
Also, would it be possible to start multiple projects to look at pfs from different angles/approaches instead of just picking one? I’m sure it’s expensive, but if money is an issue I’m sure many people here, myself included, would be more than willing to set up a monthly donation to the study.
Lastly, is it just mods who are in charge of reaching out to researchers and picking the right approach?