Possible PFS? Blood test results

I’m a 30 year old guy. Back in January I took Finasteride for a few days (3 doses of 0.25mg). The first day I took it I noticed high anxiety, a racing mind and high libido (higher than average). Soon after I noticed low libido, dramatically decreased penile sensitivity (the glans felt non-sexual and just uncomfortable to touch), and a difficulty achieving and maintaining an erection. The desire for sex is just so much lower than I’ve ever experienced prior to taking Finasteride.
Furthermore, I felt emotionally flat and unphased by events around me (unusual for a guy with a rather switched on and perhaps a little anxious kind of personality). I’m sleeping like a rock but my mind is nowhere near as active as it usually is.
It’s been roughly 3 months since the last dose and the symptoms have not improved. I decided to get a blood test several days ago, and will now post my results in the hope of gaining some insight from the members on this forum.

Estradiol: 54 pmol/L (<160)
Testo: 21.9 nmol/L (12.0-31.9)
SHBG: 51 nmol/L (17-56)
cFreeTesto: 349 pmol/L (260-740)
DHEAS: 9.3 umol/L (4.3-15)

Of further note is my Albumin which is 46 g/L (36-47)

Could anybody provide some insight into this? It appears that my SHBG is at the top end of the scale and my Free Test is near the lower end. I’m assuming that a 30 year old should perhaps be closer to the upper end of the scale for Free Testosterone?
Thanks in advance!

Here’s an update. My symptoms have not improved. I have experienced periods of 3-5 days twice where full functioning was restored, sexually and mentally. The last one was mid-June.

I had another blood test a few days ago and here are the results. Please note that the two numbers correspond to the first and second test in the format [test1, test2]:

S FSH 4.8 IU/L (1.5-9.7)
S LH 7.4 IU/L (1.8-9.2)
S PROLACTIN 246 mIU/L (90-400)
S OESTRADIOL 54 50 pmol/L (<160)
S PROGEST 1.0 nmol/L (0.7-4.3)
S TESTO 21.9 11.3 L nmol/L (12.0-31.9)
S SHBG 51 50 nmol/L (17-56)
cFreeTesto 349 165 L pmol/L (260-740)
S DHEAS 9.3 umol/L (4.3-15.0)
S 25OH VIT D 55 nmol/L (50-250)

Serum and Free testosterone have plunged over the past four months since the last test. LH and FSH look rather mid-range which is unusual.

Any further thoughts on these results?