Positive thinking and epigenetics

“Epigenetics And The Power Of Positive Thinking - The Breath Effect” https://www.thebreatheffect.com/epigenetics-positive-thinking/

The majority have tried so many different supps etc without success yet there is this risk free approach of using the mind for healing and repairing genes. There is no financial cost and it can be utilised by sufferers until a proven effective treatment enters the arena.

Over the centuries many have dropped the cloak of disease through this and science is beginning to recognise its validity.

I utilise the breathing methods while encompassing a religious mindset. For me it has got me through some dark days and has given me the strength to carry on.

Anxiety which is a major hitter for many can serve as a blocker and often brings forward the defeated / what’s the point I’m going to die to the centre stage. This sits on me too but I get up and push into each day telling myself I will get better one day.

I repeat my breathing techniques throughout the day at intervals. Each night it puts me out like a light albeit for a couple of hours, where previously I’d lie awake ruminating. I keep at it in the belief that there will be a trigger to renewed health.

Anxiety makes one give up quite quickly, but don’t let this dictate your life by feeding it and know a recovery won’t happen overnight treat it like a training programme which many of us were or are familiar with. The tide will turn with time.

Nothing to lose everything to gain. Give it a go and STICK with it. Even for the desperate and very severe cases there is always something out there.

Keep the faith my brothers! All of us will prevail.



I was affected by negative mindset even much before finasteride due to a skin issue I was dealing with at the time but now I find it can be much worse. I really need to fix that.

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Even if u don’t feel any improvements continue doing it. Pressing the acceleration on a car isn’t immediate. It will take a good while for any changes/improvements to flow through. Even more so with the damage this causes


What do you recommend doing?
I dont like meditation at all i REALLy cannot do it. Working out used to provide therapy for me but after fin it makes me more anxious.
Maybe music? Reading? what other hobbies to be positive are there non physical

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I do volunteer work 1 day per week which brings a sense of worth focusing on your breathing instead of letting anxious thoughts rule your brain brings things down a notch. Believe your breathing in healing and imagine it flowing through your body Do it for 10 minutes minimum to calm the vagul nerve. Go outside and think about what your eyes see don’t remain numb/auto pilot. Say hello to a stranger open a door for an elderly person. Find a new hobby, painting, sketching, new jobs in the house, anything to focus your brain away from pfs. The more you do it then the scales will change over time. This takes work there’s no easy fix, if there was we’d all be out of here.music and books are good!

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Hey Lazarus, I appreciate this post a lot. That’s because I also believe in the power of our own minds and spirit. Not saying that this alone will cure us, but indeed it’s a crucial part in any recovery. Also believe the vagus nerve is a important piece here.

The other reason is because I remember coming here in my darkest stage, and remember seeing you very, very devastated too. I feel for you bro, and I really admire your change in mindset and will.

You are strong. We all are. A lot. Keep going and good luck.


Thanks mate. There’s no magic bullet so we must work with what we’ve got. Best of luck to you too

That’s amazing.

When I couldn’t/ can’t get to sleep, it’s always a sign that things are bad for me and I’m going to have a rough time.

Whether it’s the breathing or something else, I hope this is the beginning of some kind of improvement for you, mate.


Thanks Greek mate :heart:

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