Positive Penis News

Well. I just wanted to document, not explain (obviously we don’t know) but I assume it’s something to do with stages of arousal? The nocturnal “maintenance” erection will be triggered without mental stimulation (sexual thoughts and feelings) while the normal erection requires it. Perhaps there’s a connection.

Would you say this is the often-mentioned “hourglass” erection?

Not me, no. I’m not sure what might be going on, but I assume it’s possible that it’s also part of a process of certain parts filling while others don’t.

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I sometimes experience a reverse hourglass shape, where the bottom is thick but the head isn’t inflated, sort of forming a rough cone shape. Definitely a result of differential inflation of different parts of the penis.

Yeah I experienced something like this too.

circulation issue. I had this too for a while. It’s possible it has something to do with androgen receptors, but I noticed mine improved after improving circulatory health

Possibly, though I haven’t had any other issues associated with poor circulation.

That’s so fucking bizarre! This phenomenon happens to me all the time. It’s so fucking odd, I need to know what is going on in our bodies.

More positive news.

2 days of fuller erections which I think after 14 months are closer to my previous normal than ever before. I would say it’s as if the surrounding tissue is somehow thicker and fuller around the inner core.

It’s difficult to be sure, but I think what felt roughly back to normal when I posted above was still thinner than I was before I started and now I think I’ve taken another step to normality. It’s difficult to remember after so long with a different physical shape. I note that I have slept better these past few days as well, which I think is further indication that all these effects are downstream from one single cause - for me, everything generally gets better / worse all at once - though there are some symptoms which seemed to come and go independently.

Again, just trying to put something positive out there. I hope that helps someone.

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What about your balls, if i may ask?..Did you have testicular shrinkage?Are they fuller now?

Yes, fuller now.

I experience exactly the same. Narrow, hourglass shape when not erect, a little bend. As if the penis is pulled inwards. Very tense. I think personally that this has to do with lack of hormones, that are needed to relax the penis. I have read this somewhere also, that hormones are needed to relax the penis. And this is also how it exaclty feels, very NOT relaxed.

@Greek Do you mean your nocturnal ones or the arousal ones? I’m getting the weird pointy (in my case flat-looking) nocturnal ones now, they’re making me feel like I’ve been mutilated (which I guess I kind of have). I’d prefer not to have them at all, like while I was on fin. I can get more normal ones manually, but not like pre-going off fin.

I javen’t been aware of nocturnal ones for a while (I’ve actually been sleeping!)

I am 100% certain now that whatever is going on with me is not permanent and that even symptoms that seem to indicate physical change can resolve.

I know it’s distressing but you need not feel that you are stuck forever.

How long have you been off? If over 3 months, fill out the survey please. If less than 3 months (and even if more), you may find things resolve on their own soon.


Thanks for replying. Only two months, I’m aware of the survey and will take it in a month. I had taken fin for 10 years on and off, but never experienced such a bad reaction when going off. I don’t think I experienced a real “crash” this time either, just a psychological breakdown in the last few days, due to symptoms piling up and worsening since I quit. I’ve read quite a few of your posts and find your optimism very helpful :muscle:

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There’s not much you can control, but your attitude is one of them.

I also know that when I signed up, I was desperate for some good news, so if I have some, I share it so other people can benefit from it too.


Its great to read that you improved sexual sides @Greek! I suffer testicular shrinkage and reduced ejacuation volume. My penile size seems smaller and lighter when flaccid than before pfs, yet i can get good erections.
What are the chances of recovering testicular size? Did you have any supplements or other things that helped you recovering testicular size? Thx!

None. I took nothing. I avoid 5ar inhibitors. That’s it.


Did you make further progress since last September?

Some days are better than others but in general the worst days aren’t as bad and I have more good days.

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