Positive experience with GABA supplementation

@5ariWillGetBetter Good to hear your experience bro, pls keep us updated. I wonder if your body is getting used to the supp and maybe thats why your morning wood is getting less and less. Until it maybe completely dissapears aagain, lets hope it does do that. Still I wonder whats going to happen thelonger you use it, and whats going to happen if you suddenly come off it? Will it get worse or stay the same…

I meant to say is ‘‘Lets hope it does NOT do that’’

I sometimes use Taurine. Is there any reason one may be better than the other (gaba) as I believe Taurine promotes this. Thanks.

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Slept around 6.5 hours last night, then another half an hour or so after initially waking, this continues to be an improvement on waking up exhausted but with no hope of getting back to sleep. I also need to stop fucking around on a game I recently downloaded on my phone before going to sleep.

However, I should note that, while I don’t feel like the GABA is helping me get to sleep, I have not resorted to guided meditation once in these past days, when previously I was reliant on it because my mind would be racing, so maybe I am wrong. It certainly doesn’t have the sort of “okay my brain is shutting down and I am going to sleep now” effect that actual sleeping tablets do.

The morning wood seems to be the same for the past three mornings, it isn’t a rock hard boner, more just movement in that area, which becomes much harder with a little bit of manual stimulation. I realised yesterday that in the past couple of days I had not been taking the maca supplement I have recently been taking and took that yesterday afternoon in the hope it had contributed and would do so again. But same results. I am going to take the maca when I go to bed tonight to see if that does have any effect, because I have definitely seen positive benefits in terms of erection quality from maca, I have just found that they don’t hold, so I take it for a few days, stop, repeat.

I am going to take it again tonight, taking me up to a full week, and then tomorrow go without and see what my sleep is like. I am then thinking of taking it on Tuesday after getting up, having seen a review on Amazon saying they felt more benefit from doing that, just to see how that goes.

@UKContributor I have a bunch of Taurine back in the UK (I am away for an extended period at the moment) and was popping that at a point when I was just throwing anything that sounded helpful into my body, so I couldn’t really isolate its effects or tell you why GABA might be better or the same.

Thanks for the reply. Does this help with sexual sensation symptoms at all?

I found Taurine did in the initial days then stops, whereas Theanine (I mention these as I think both influence Gaba) reliably makes me feel kind of warm and fuzzy but totally overrides any sort of sexual pleasure.

For nocturnal erections I use a combination of things of which I think Zinc, Arginine, Vitamin D and maybe Taurine generally help but I tend to get nocturnals at the end of the night rather than during. Before taking these I was reliably getting none at all.

From the volume of supplements you mention you may have been down this road already though.

I have certainly been down the Argenine road and felt it helped, if I had some here I would likely try popping that in the evening. In fact now you mention, I will probably look to get hold of some.

Something that did once help immensely, though I stopped doing it for fear of unwanted negative side effects, was megadoses of zinc, which I did after reading a post on another site, which I believe no longer exists. But in it this guy suggested there are two types of PFS, one which responds well to 5ar increasers such as creatine and one which responds well to 5ar inhibitors such as zinc. I got onto that after taking creatine before the gym one time and having an awful awful time, I had to turn around and go home and collapse on my bed for the rest of the day, it significantly worsened my condition. Just had a look and this post from PH seems to be saying the same thing, though it is not the one I originally read, which was on a site I can’t even remember the name of and which I am sure I bookmarked in the past and disovered at some point later that it had disappeared. Basically, I did what this suggested and took 200mg of zinc and experienced strong erections. At that point I was experiencing cold almost numb genitals, almost no sensitivity and almost no sensation from orgasm, so I think I did this two or three times, but I stopped for fear of what might happen. I am not suggesting you or anyone does it, I am just relaying my experience. I will likely take a normal dose of zinc (10mg) before bed tonight, as I haven’t taken any today.

Regarding the gaba, now that you mention sensation, I actually think that I have noted some enhanced sensation this past week, but I had also noted some general improvements in that area in recent weeks or months and I didn’t want to go attributing it to the gaba if it is not related. I am wary of being overly enthusiastic and pinning too many positive effects to it.

Can GABA taken as a tablet pass through BBB in the brain? Does anyone know about this?

Did you not read the original post?

Oh, sorry.
Now I used a more professional translator and saw your text. I personally think fina has dropped my dopamine levels. Therefore, I thought GABA could pass my BBB as well. This is a personal conjecture that I believe will only apply to me.

Sorry, I didn’t consider the fact you were using a translator.

In case it wasn’t totally clear, I said that people on this forum and on other websites say it does not cross the BBB and tell people not to use it.

But other people report positive effects. So I tried it and certainly experienced positive effects, although after two nights of very good effects, helping me to get to sleep, it stopped having as much of an effect, but I still feel it is giving me better quality sleep.

Thank you. I’ve read a lot of positive experiences in the domestic online community, but the GABA experience of the same PFS patient makes me even more encouraged.

After PFS, I always had a meaningless dream other than not being able to sleep for a long time. Is this the same for you? I used to be able to fall into a very deep sleep and often meet sweet darkness. But now my brain always seems half awake. I can’t run away from my dreamAlso, even small noises around us are very sensitive, so it is very difficult to maintain sleep unless it is a completely silent environment. 3 hours of sleep before PFS = 7 hours of sleep now.The quality of sleep is very poor. I expect that GABA will help stabilize even a little bit.

I have had trouble falling asleep since I was a teenager, but once I did get to sleep I would sleep for 7.5 hours and wake up refreshed.

After PFS, I would sleep for no more than 5 hours, sometimes only 3, and wake up feeling exhausted, but unable to get to back sleep because I was filled with nervous energy or anxiety.

I have lived in the Netherlands during most of my time when PFS was very bad, so I have used marijuana to help me to sleep. However, when I did not use marijuana, my sleep was very light and my dreams were very vivid, and I would wake up and feel like I have not slept.

Even though I still cannot sleep for long enough, since taking GABA I feel like I am more refreshed and less exhausted in the morning, so I believe I must be getting some deep sleep.

Also I believe that my memory and focus is better now than before taking it. However, I also got benefits in memory and focus from taking ginkgo biloba and a supplement called zenflore. I believe Zenflore is not available in the USA, it is only in Europe. So I do not know if it is available in Namhan.

I could not sleep more than 4 hours even though I was awake for 30 hours. This is like torture…I think this is the first priority to knock down in order to improve the overall quality of life. Ginko Biloba is easy to get, but Zenflore is not available in Korea. I will add GABA and ginko and exclude some of the foods I am currently taking.

The ginkgo is for brain function, I take it in the morning on an empty stomach.

I took the gaba again and I think I slept for between 6. 5 and 6 hours 45 minutes last night, and again didn’t feel exhausted upon waking, just a normal amount of tired.

Something to note, even though gaba doesn’t have the sort of sleep inducing effect of sleeping pills, I got to sleep last night using no melatonin, no passiflora, no bed time tea and no guided mediation. Previously I needed a combination of these things, so I do believe it calms my mind.

I also have found that this past week I begin to get tired and start yawning in the evening, whereas previously I would be exhausted all day until it came time to go to bed and then my brain would come awake and leave me unable to relax.


Had a nap this afternoon, think I was out for about 30 mins. I was barely ever able to nap before PFS so it has been unthinkable since.

Now, it is not all good, because it came on after I went out to grab some supplies and got home feeling completely shattered. There is a steep hill up to my apartment and I usually arrive very out of breath, but this felt more like the sort of exhaustion I would experience after arriving home when my symptoms were their worst during 2018 and 2019 (though just from walking flat streets, not up a steep hill), when I would just collapse onto my bed, often for the rest of the day.

Nevertheless, I would never be able to actually drift off to sleep, only lay in my bed unable to move. Today I got into bed, put on some guided meditation and I actually did drift off, which I was very happy about, and I do now feel much better for it.

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Are you experiencing imorovements other than sleep.

Regardless, I am willing to try this out. I have slept 2 hours max everyday for the last 1.5 months.

Day before yesterday I hadnt slept at all in 2 days. Im reaching the worst levels of insomnia.

can you or anyone else knowledgable about GABA let me know about possible side effects or any other reasons it might not be safe to take?
Also since deliveries are not working, does anyone know if GABA is available at medical stores

Based on what I looked into before taking it, the possible side effects are

  • upset stomach
  • headache
  • sleepiness
  • muscle weakness

So nothing major. I did not find anyone from this forum reporting a crash or anything from it.

That said, I see it is used in some cases for high blood pressure, so maybe if you have very low blood pressure, it might be something to be cautious about.

Regarding other improvements, I do think that I have seen a notable sexual improvement in the evening when I am in bed, after having taken it. While the solid morning wood I experienced in the first few days has subsided, I have noted some ongoing movement in that area during the night and upon waking.

Last night I actually had quite some trouble getting to sleep, but I stupidly drank a 500ml bottle of zero sugar coke at around 8pm, when I have always been quite caffeine sensitive and long before PFS came along, I stopped drinking caffeine by around 2pm. That said, while I was awake till well after 1, I still managed to sleep through till around 8, so again got more sleep than I previously would have.

Then i need to try gaba asap im dying

I will repeat what I have said earlier though, when I was reading reviews, I saw some people say it had changed their lives and others say it had done nothing at all, so don’t get your hopes up. Go into it telling yourself it is a 50/50 and just hope you are in the right half.

Regarding sleep in the meantime. If you are having trouble sleeping, I have found the following to be useful:

  1. Melatonin, if you ca get it, but should not be used perpetually. It actually seemed to stop being effective for me, but there was a time when it would get me to sleep. Try to get the slow release stuff if you can, because the normal stuff I found only left me to sleep for 4 hours max.
  2. Bed time teas, any really. These are not going to send you to sleep but they should help you relax a little
  3. Warm/hot bath before bed. I haven’t lived in a place with a bath for most of my time with PFS, but when I have I have found it helpful. Directly before bed, be ready for bed, teeth brushed, bed ready to get into, and get straight into bed after a bath for 20 minutes or so (obviously dry yourself first).
  4. Guided meditation. I didn’t try this for a long time because I am generally not a calm minded person who feels I can meditate. I didn’t really understand what guided meditation is, but download the Headspace app, or I use videos on Youtube by a guy called Michael Sealy (there are many others available too). My go to track is called “Guided Meditation for Detachment From Over-Thinking (Anxiety / OCD / Depression)”, but he has many others. When my mind is racing and I can’t really relax to listen, I would try to repeat what he is saying in my head and that would generally help me calm down. I got to a point where I think my brain began to associate his voice with sleeping so that sometimes I would barely remember listening to it when I woke up. I would wake up tangled in my headphone cable and generally only sleep for 3.5 to 5 hours, but at least it got me to sleep. Sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night I will still put that on to help me get back to sleep.

What do you think about this compared to Align (or in your country alflorex)?
These are both strains of Bifido Longum.
Can you tell a real difference in these different strains?
I know they are marketed differently.
1714-Serenitas culture vs 35624 both bifido longum subspecies longum
What would make each unique I wonder.
I know these are both expensive because of the manufacturing process.
Only available at 1 billion each right?
What if this dose was increased by 10x? Probably wouldn’t be very cost effective im guessing.
When looking at this species as a whole, there are very limited options.
The only other one that comes to mind is bb536.