Porn and Erectile Dysfunction

I have a few questions. Not sure if its normal behaviour or not.

  1. does everyone here can achieve erection and orgasm with porn?

  2. porn can make me aroused within seconds. But without it I have difficulty getting an erection. I still can but its not pleasureable.

Does this happen to everyone? I really need to understand the porn and erectile dysfunction due to pfs.

There are no set rules, people report different things in this area.

Often it gets better with time.

One thing you should do is try to not create a mental problem in this area. Don’t second guess yourself, don’t test yourself.

What do you mean by test? Should I quit masturbation full time?

I mean that if you don’t feel like doing something, don’t force yourself to see if you can.

I’m in pretty much the same boat.

On the good days, when I get them, I can function naturally without it. But usually yeah it’s the same for me.

It’s best for us to avoid porn anyway, don’t want to develop PIED on top of PFS.

Same. One good day I feel horny and it’s easier to get erection. Do you have hf and hollow erections too?

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My erections are weird, the shaft gets 100% hard but my glans only gets around 50% hard. They take longer to get than pre-SP too.
I reckon I could still have sex like this but it would be kinda awkward so I’m hoping l cialis will temporarily l fix the issue.

Yeah I’ve had temporary recoveries lasting 1 day-1 week where I felt really horny again and could get hard np, even soft glans syndrome reversed itself.
Sleep deprivation makes me feel better somehow. The two times I’ve pulled an all-nighter since PFS this has happened.