Pollutants worsening pfs

My PFS was a lot better this New Years, and no, it’s not because I drink, smoke, or indulge in anything. I believe it to be because the factories were shutdown.

When I stay at my relatives house in the middle of nowhere, my symptoms get a lot better, I have more mental clarity and sweating.

Is it possible that pollutants in our air and water supply worsen PFS? I think so, because many public health and environmental regulations such as xenoestrogens limitations have been repealed in the past 4 years, and I’ve also noticed a lot worse androgens in myself and others in the past 4 years, and the overfeminization of woman as well. I can barely write a coherent post with all this brain fog lol. Apologies, but damn I miss that feeling of clarity I felt on Christmas and especially New Years, and hopefully once the regulations are put in place our symptoms can improve at least a little bit.

*Also, most recoveries I see happen in foreign countries or in the countryside. I think living in the city is playing a big role in why I can’t recover.

Our glutathione levels are depleted due to PFS. Glutathione is the bodies master antioxidant.


So we’re even more sensitive to pollutants… hope this gets better once we start getting some regulation.