POLL: Does Orgasm influence your side effects?

I tested this further just to make sure my previous post was actually correct (hadn’t really paid attention to it) and to maybe offer some more information.

This past week, I masturbated to orgasm during the weekend, then twice during the week on two consecutive days. On a side note, I used to be unable to refrain from masturbating for more than two days without going insane. Now I masturbate maybe once a week and not out of any desire to, just to check how everything is doing. How depressing. Anyway…

The orgasm during the weekend was actually pretty awesome. Orgasm was more intense, semen was thicker, there was more of it, etc. I had begun working out shortly before that, maybe that had an effect. No negative effects afterward, actually put me in a pretty good mood.

Maybe 3-4 days later, I masturbated again. Overall not as good as before in terms of ejaculate, orgasm, etc, but no negative effects afterward.

The following day I masturbated again, curious about what would happen. Ejaculate was more watery than usual, there was far less of it, and orgasm was pretty weak. Afterward I was very careful about monitoring my mood, expecting things to take a sharp turn for the worse. To my surprise, that did not happen. I was kinda bummed for a minute my actual orgasm, etc progress wasn’t as good, but other than that I was fine. And what was really strange, was that my brain fog (which I will admit is relatively mild to begin with) more or less entirely cleared up for the rest of the night.

So there you go. Not sure what any of that means, but I wanted to give more information than “it has no effect” and also make sure that statement is actually true.

  1. No effect on side effects. But my worst side effect is emotional blunting, so “orgasm” is kind of relative.

  2. n/a

  3. n/a

How does orgasm affect your side effects: Does it make them better, worse or has no effect? worse

If you have an effect, which side effects are most affected? penile shrinkage, fatigue, increased insomnia

If you have an effect, when does it start and how long does it last? within half hour, lasts two to three days

Sometimes, in a few days does not cause any problem however others worsening symptoms, causing me testicular pain and depression. Also, the prostate cause pressure on the wall of the anus causing bleeding Me faeces.

  1. Worse
  2. Penile pain, shrinkage, increased anxiety, depression, anger, muscle wastage.
  3. From four-five days to a week. In the past it was less.
  1. How does orgasm affect your side effects: Does it make them better, worse or has no effect?
    Better after every orgasm. Several times in a row means feeling a tiny little bit better each time.

  2. If you have an effect, which side effects are most affected?
    Less shrinkage in limp state, getting fuller erections (my penis shrunk and felt full at 50% erections, now I get 70%), less numbness in penis and foreskin, less swollen veins/foreskin, a better feeling during an orgasm.

Basically, everything improves a tiny little bit and the effect seems to be cumulative.

  1. If you have an effect, when does it start and how long does it last?
    If I don’t masturbate for 2-4 days, I notice my symptoms get worse again.

I think a good question would be: is there any difference in pfs symptoms between having an orgasm in sex and masturbation?

Orgasm improves my side effects following it, and into the next day.


My symtoms get worse through orgasm, doesn’t matter whether it is through sex or masturbation.

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  • How does orgasm affect your side effects: Does it make them better, worse or has no effect?
    Worse, but only slightly. Mood and testicle size.

  • If you have an effect, which side effects are most affected?
    Used to give me near-enough a “despair” feeling, these days minimal effect, slightly lower mood. Testicle size reduces a little and they get a little harder.

  • If you have an effect, when does it start and how long does it last?
    Mood lifts probably in a day, though this is now minimal. Testicles regain their normal PFS size in a couple of days.

There is only a 5% of those who answered the poll who seem to feel better after orgasm.

Maybe these few people can benefit from activities or even therapies that cause problems to others? It would be interesting to know, for example, how exercise affects these people who feel slightly better after orgasm.

Me too, that is why i reduce ejaculations to 2 times a month.

It is a part of my program.

You can also notice that 4 days after ejaculating, you get a drop in mood and symptoms are worse for one day.

Ejaculate on a Monday , feel bad 4 days later on Fri.

You can limit ejaculations to 1 time or 2 times a month.

I think you should take a single T shot before you start doing the program if you have not had one already.

The T shot ( 250mg )will prevent the endocrine crashes from happening.

Good luck with everything.

Let me know how the program is working for you.

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