- I can satisfy my sexual partner
- I can NOT satisfy my sexual partner
- I’m not sure if I can satisfy my sexual partner
0 voters
0 voters
Ok after studying and analyzing I’m sure that sexual sides have a solution: No drugs, good food, some kegel and time. Kegel is very important because many people suffering contraction due to inhibition, this contraction can be reversed through pelvic floor exercises: Daily expansion and contraction of these muscle so blood and hormones can circulate better.
I think that exercises are helpful too.
Could you find and post a YouTube video that explains things for people?
Take some encouragement that the most popular vote is that which says people can satisfy their partner. Bear in mind that most people say their symptoms improve and or become manageable.
This is, as far as I can tell, a journey. We all got hit to varying degrees and while we wait to get better we can try and exercise and eat well to improve our condition.
People do regain their size with time.