Hello. I’ve recently had a short period of feeling good. I think my experience is very important for finding certain underlying mechanisms for what is happening with PSSD, and I think that everyone should explain their stories in detail as well, I will start.
A couple weeks back I started doing fecal matter transplants. after about a week I introduced capsules for the FMT, this is when stuff started happening. I almost instantly started feeling different. I started feeling a twitching on the side of my left eye, but in the brain. my brain started to feel almost hot, like blood was rushing through. after maybe a day or so I began to feel very tired, this feeling was quite nice as I’ve had trouble sleeping since PSSD started, but it was crazy because my eyes felt like they need rest, almost instantly after laying in bed I would fall asleep. I woke up to this feeling of optimism that I haven’t experienced in over two years. I had almost no urge to even think about PSSD, I became slightly interested in doing things again, very slightly. this is when the physical changes started occurring.
After PSSD my body completely changed how things worked, my body wouldn’t really produce sweat as much anymore, and the sweat wouldn’t really smell, my hair/face would basically stop producing oil, my acne would almost completely disappear, the boogers in my eyes would be non-existent when I would wake up. My earwax production in my right ear didn’t really produce any earwax. I also had tinnitus in my left ear. something I recently noticed is that the “dick cheese” would be non-existent as well, my body seemed to never become sore, no matter how much I exercised. However, during this increase in quality of life that I experienced over a few days span, I would also notice extreme physical changes.
- My back literally had 30+ pimples on it, which I would maybe have one before the FMT.
- When I would wake up my eyes would be crusted over with eye boogers.
- My body seemed hot, and I was sweating quite a bit, and the sweat actually smelled like body odor.
- The oil on my skin started producing again, along with acne. along with hair feeling almost wet from the amount of oil my scalp was producing.
- I woke up to this feeling of soreness, not quite like after a massive workout, but maybe a slight workout, it felt like my bodys muscles were recovering, or gaining muscle.
- When I went to wash myself, my penis had an insane amount of “dick cheese” that I haven’t seen in years.
- I remember using a q-tip on my right ear, and it was producing just as much earwax as my normal ear.
- My tinnitus subsided during this time.
I know most of us have mental and physical symptoms, but I’ve noticed so many physical symptoms tied to when I was feeling better.
also, I didn’t explain the sexual changes, but during this time I had intense sexual dreams, and woke up with massive morning wood. Everyone focuses on sexual side effects, but IMO the others are more life altering.