Please share your hydrocortisone and Fludrocortisone trial

I could not find an specific topic for this, so i am posting here. Could you guys who tried these hormones describe your experience?
Thank you!

Used hydrocortisone (cortef) for 2-3 years. It took me a while to find the dosage and timing that works best for my body, but once I found it it helped immensely with fatigue, low glucose/weakness, brain fog, irritability, and muscle wasting. I ended up taking about 25mg per day split in 4 doses. This is WAY below any dosage that is used for arthritis, auto-immune issues, etc…Just enough to replace/support what our adrenals have stopped making…

I replaced it with Isocort over the past few months as you do not need a prescription for Isocort.

Thanks, moonman. Once you start using hydrocortisone, do you have to use it for life?

25mg is not enough to completely shut down your adrenals.

but moonmanq you are still using Isocort how can you say that it will not affect you when you stop it?

  1. Because the nations leading adrenal insufficieny doctors have patients on 25mg+ of cortef for years and most of the time they are able to wean off without complete shutdown.

  2. It states so in this book which I read… … 0398075018

  3. I personally weaned off of cortef for about 6 months in 2012 and felt fine for the majority of it. However towards the 6 month mark I started feeling a bit run-down again so I started Isocort.